

Tummy tuck/ Abdominoplasty

Tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a medical procedure for the stomach and hips which includes excess skin removal, muscle repair, fat removal, and body contouring. The purpose of a tummy tuck is to reshape the stomach/abdominal area. Abdominoplasty typically entails the tightening of the abdominal muscles, the excision of extra skin, and sometimes fat removal through liposuction. However, the surgery will be customized to meet each patient’s specific needs and objectives.

During a tummy tuck, an incision will typically be created low on the abdomen, spanning from one hip to the other. If a large portion of the skin from the stomach region needs to be removed, this may require that the belly button be repositioned or reconstructed altogether. The procedure typically takes two to four hours, depending on the technique and volume of work required.

It is always advised to opt for extremely experienced, certified, and trusted surgeon to perform your tummy tuck to ensure minimal scarring and other aesthetic complications. When done correctly most clothing, including bathing suits and most types of underwear, can generally cover any potential scarring from stomach tuck surgery because incisions are done low on the belly, frequently close to the pubic area.

In the days after an abdominoplasty, you may experience mild to severe discomfort, although any pain may frequently be controlled and even relieved with medicine. Every person heals differently, but there are ways you can help in the healing and recovery process after a tummy tuck to help the overall process. The typical recovery for a tummy tuck consists of wearing an abdominal binder for six weeks and avoiding strenuous activity and heavy lifting for six weeks. The abdominal binder will help to support the abdomen and prevent any fluid that could potentially build up, causing major issues after the fact.

Getting a tummy tuck can have quite a few advantages, including:

  • Reduced back pain
  • Correct Ventral Hernias
  • Improve weak bladder due to childbirth
  • Increase exercise stamina
  • Reduce excess skin
  • Reshape/ restructure abdomen area
Tummy Tuck Body Sculpting Treatment

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