Our Services

  • HairTransplant-HairLoss-Treatment

    Hair Transplantation in Kochi

    Many people today are facing severe hair loss. This serious symptom could be due to several issues. Genetic predisposition, hormonal imbalances, an inadequate diet, and stress are all factors that contribute to this widespread condition. More than half of the world’s population suffers from irreversible hair loss, also known as androgenetic alopecia. This condition causes the shedding of roughly 200-300 strands of hair every day, as well as a significant reduction in the pace of hair regrowth. Because androgenetic alopecia is permanent and irreversible, the only medical solution is to go for the best hair transplantation in Kochi.

    Cosmique is one of the leading skin and hair clinic in Kerala, providing hair transplant in Kochi with great results. Our team of experts will analyze your conditions and provide you with the best procedure for long-lasting results.

    Hair Transplantation & its Benefits

    Cosmique’s hair transplantation in Kochi is unique with its best result-oriented procedures and permanent results. Our hair transplantation treatment offers long-standing outcomes and helps you solve your hair fall issues.

    Hair transplantation is a long-lasting and dependable treatment for hair problems like hair loss, providing an effective solution. This surgical method ensures hair restoration for cases of hair loss caused by various factors such as burns and scars. Hair follicles derived from the source area are precisely plucked and transplanted to the balding region, referred to as the recipient site, during the hair transplant procedure. Local anaesthesia is used for this surgery. This technique’s adaptability extends to areas afflicted by hair loss, such as eyelashes, brows, and beard hair, and it even addresses the concealing of scars caused by accidents or surgery.

    Hair transplants in Kochi can be done in a variety of ways. Notably, Cosmique stands out as a hair transplant clinic in Kochi, Ernakulam known for its cutting-edge hair loss treatments. The Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) technique is the foundation of our hair transplantation surgeries at Cosmique.

    Why Hair Transplantation Over Other Alternatives?

    Permanent Restoration: Unlike temporary therapies such as topical treatments or pills, hair transplantation provides a permanent restoration. Transplanted hair keeps its natural growth pattern and features, resulting in a long-lasting result.
    Natural Appearance: Hair transplantation done correctly results in a natural and smooth appearance. The transplanted hair blends in seamlessly with the surrounding strands, making it nearly undetectable from the surrounding strands.

    Long-lasting Results: Cosmique hair transplant clinic in Kochi produces long-lasting results. Once the transplanted hair establishes itself, it continues to grow and behave like regular hair, providing long-term satisfaction.

    Varied Applications: Hair transplantation can be used in a number of places, including the scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, and beard. This flexibility caters to different aesthetic needs and preferences.

    Baldness Elimination: For people who have severe hair loss or baldness, hair transplantation provides a comprehensive solution. It efficiently conceals bald areas and restores hair volume.

    Minimal Maintenance: Transplanted hair requires no special maintenance beyond regular hair care practices. There is no need for products or treatments to be applied consistently, which simplifies the daily routine.

    Medical Expertise: Our hair transplant clinic in Kochi, Ernakulam has well-trained and experienced medical experts.  This medical intervention creates a controlled and safe environment in which to achieve the best results.

    While other procedures may provide brief relief, the hair transplant clinic in Kochi is a groundbreaking solution with benefits that last. The decision ultimately depends on individual preferences, goals, and the guidance of experienced medical professionals.

    Types of Hair Transplant Procedures at Cosmique, Kochi

    Given below are the major types of hair transplant procedures done in our clinic in Kochi.

    Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE):

    Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a hair transplantation procedure that involves the extraction of individual hair follicles from an existing site, usually at the back of the head, and their subsequent implantation into areas of hair loss. The precise placement of these follicles is essential for attaining the best results. One of the most noteworthy benefits of the FUE process is its low invasiveness, which results in tiny, swiftly healing micro-scars. FUE is performed under local anesthesia at a microscopic level. Surgeons delicately extract hair follicles using microblades and fine tools, typically ranging from 0.6mm to 1.0mm in diameter.

    During the operation, hair follicles are implanted in a preset manner that mimics natural hair growth. This thorough technique helps to produce a realistic and aesthetically acceptable result. Depending on the extent of hair loss and the surgeon’s expertise, FUE can be conducted in a single session or multiple sessions.

    For the patient’s comfort, local anesthesia is administered. A microneedle makes a small incision around a follicular unit (less than 1mm in diameter). This unit is then retrieved with an instrument similar to tweezers. Small recipient holes are made in the problematic scalp locations, and the collected follicular units are carefully put inside. These implanted units produce subsequent hair growth.

    Following surgery, a disinfectant is applied to maintain hygiene. FUE guarantees a long-term and stable result, with current hair shedding and finer, healthier new strands sprouting from the treated area. Patients should avoid physical activity for a few days after surgery, wear a protective medical cap, and drink plenty of fluids.

    Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) :

    It includes the removal of a strip of scalp skin, usually from the back of the head, that is tailored to the required number of follicles for hair loss covering and is around 1 to 1.5 centimeters wide. Follicles extracted from the strip are carefully implanted into balding areas. The procedure takes 4 to 8 hours, which is often faster than FUE. Patients are awake during the surgery and are given local anesthesia. Redrawing the hairline, identifying the extraction region, and taking photos for records are all part of the preparation process. To numb the scalp, patients may be given a sedative and local anesthesia.

    Hair is cut to around two millimeters at the donor location. The strip of follicles is removed by the surgeon, while technicians separate individual follicles for transplantation. The scalp is sutured, and follicles are deliberately inserted into balding areas to mim

    Why Choose Cosmique Hair Transplant Clinic in Kochi?

    You can choose to contact Cosmique Hair Transplant Clinic in Kochi for its superior hair restoration expertise. Cosmique provides optimal results by utilizing advanced procedures such as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), experienced surgeons, and a commitment to natural-looking results. Cosmique’s personalized approach, attention to patient comfort, and established track record make it a prime choice for successful cosmetic hair transplantation, whether it’s correcting hair loss, scarring, or increasing facial hair.

    Visit us for the best hair transplantation in Kochi at the best rate.

  • face-and-jowl-lift-surgery

    The face exhibits a variety of ageing symptoms, such as:

    • Relaxed, sagging skin on the face.
    • Crease and fold Lines between the nose and the corners of the mouth
    • A decrease in facial fat.
    • Sagging Skin in your cheeks or jaw.
    • Extra fat and sagging skin in your neck that gives you a “double chin.”

    A face-lift is a surgical cosmetic operation to give the face a youthful appearance. A flap of skin is pulled back from each side of the face during a face-lift. Excess skin is removed, and tissues beneath the skin are modified. The face is given a more youthful shape as a result. A face-lift frequently includes a neck lift. It thins out the neck’s fat and loose skin.

    Please note that damage from sun exposure, such as fine lines and wrinkles, cannot be reversed by a face-lift. Other cosmetic procedures can improve the appearance or texture of the skin.

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  • Liposuction-FatLoss-BodySculpting-Treatment

    Liposuction in Kochi

    Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery treatment that targets localized parts of the body to eliminate fat storage. Commonly targeted areas include the midsection, upper thighs, and lower back. To remove unwanted fat, a cannula is inserted into the affected area and sucked out by a vacuum. This common procedure is performed to improve the body’s shape and contours for cosmetic reasons.

    There are numerous motivations for people to pursue liposuction. While it shouldn’t be used in place of a good diet and regular exercise, it can help those who have trouble losing stubborn areas of fat around specific parts of their bodies. A more proportioned and toned figure, made possible by liposuction, can do wonders for one’s sense of self. However, you should talk to an experienced surgeon to figure out if this option is best for you. Cosmique has years of experience in body fat reduction treatments offering liposuction in kochi for you.

      How Does Liposuction Help with Body Fat Reduction?

      Liposuction is a widely sought-afte­r surgical procedure for reducing body fat and achieving desired body contours. There are several notable­ benefits to undergoing liposuction, including

      Targeted Fat Removal: Liposuction is a procedure that targets and removes fat from specific areas of the body, including the abdome­n, thighs, flanks, buttocks, and arms. This precise method allows individuals to effectively address stubborn fat pocke­ts that may not respond to diet and exercise.

      Improved Body Contouring : Liposuction is a procedure that can improve body contouring by precisely sculpting and re­shaping targeted areas. It aims to create amore balanced and proportionate­ figure, allowing individuals to achieve their desired aesthe­tic goals.

      Immediate Results: A major draw of liposuction is that patients can usually see immediate results following the procedure. Although there may be some initial swe­lling and bruising, individuals often experience a noticeable improvement in their body shape right from the start.

      Long-lasting Results : Liposuction offers a long-term solution for fat reduction compared to non-surgical methods that may require multiple treatme­nts. By removing fat cells, the tre­ated areas expe­rience lasting results as those­ cells do not regene­rate. However, it’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle to prevent fat from accumulating in untreated areas.

      Boosts Self-Confidence : Liposuction can often lead to an increase in self-confidence and a more positive body image­ for individuals. This newfound comfort in their own skin can have a significant impact on their overall quality of life.

      Minimally Invasive Techniques: Newe­r liposuction technologies, including laser-assiste­d and ultrasound-assisted techniques, have made the procedure less invasive. These methods often lead to re­duced bruising and swelling, as well as faste­r recovery times whe­n compared to traditional liposuction.

      Customized Approach: Liposuction is a highly customizable procedure that can be tailored to meet the unique needs and goals of each patient. A skille­d surgeon has the ability to adjust the treatment to specifically target proble­m areas, resulting in a personalize­d and satisfactory outcome.

      Complementary to Other Procedures:To achieve a complete body transformation, liposuction can be combined with other cosmetic procedures like tummy tucks or breast augmentation.

      Although liposuction offers several advantages, it is important to note that it is not a solution for obe­sity or a replacement for adopting a healthy lifestyle. It is ideal for individuals who are close to their desired weight, in good overall health and have realistic expectations.Se­eking advice from a qualified plastic surge­on is crucial to determine if liposuction aligns with your goals for re­ducing body fat. Cosmique, known as the best liposuction clinic in Kochi have qualified professionals can help you.Visit Comsique for liposuction in Kochi.

      How Does Liposuction Work?

      Liposuction is a surgical procedure that aims to eliminate exce­ss fat from specific areas of the body. He­re is a detailed bre­akdown of how the procedure typically take­s place:

      Anaesthesia: To ensure the patient’s comfort during the surge­ry, they are given either local anaesthesia for smaller areas or general ane­sthesia for larger areas or multiple sites. This is done before the procedure starts.

      Incisions: Near the treatment area(s), tiny incisions are made. These incisions are usually minimal in size, which helps reduce the chances of noticeable­ scarring.

      Tumescent Solution: To perform fat re­moval, a specialized solution is injecte­d into the targeted area. This solution consists of saline (saltwater), local anesthe­sia to numb the area, and epine­phrine to constrict blood vessels, which helps reduce blee­ding and facilitate the removal of fat.

      Fat Extraction: During the procedure, a thin tube known as a cannula is inserte­d through small incisions. The surgeon gently moves the cannula back and forth to break up and loosen the fat cells. These loose­ned fat cells are then removed through suction using the cannula.

      Sculpting: The surgeon carefully sculpts and contours the area to create the desired shape and proportions.

      Closure: After the removal of fat, the incisions are usually close­d using stitches or adhesive strips. To help reduce swelling and promote­ healing, a compression garment is often applied.

      Recovery and Post-Liposuction Measures

      The re­covery process following liposuction can vary based on individual factors and the extent of the process. However, there are some ge­neral post-liposuction measures to follow:

      Compression Garments : Patients typically need to wear compression garme­nts for several weeks after a procedure. The garments help re­duce swelling and provide support to the newly contoured areas.

      Rest and Recovery: It is crucial to prioritize rest in the days immediately following liposuction. Patie­nts should refrain from engaging in strenuous activities and lifting heavy objects during this period.

      Pain Management: It is normal to experience some discomfort and mild pain following liposuction. Thankfully, ove­r-the-counter or prescribe­d pain medication can effectively manage these symptoms.

      Swelling and Bruising: It is normal to experience swelling and bruising after the treatment, which can last for a few weeks. To alleviate­ these symptoms, you can ele­vate the treate­d area and apply ice packs.

      Follow-up Appointments: It is important for patients to schedule and attend follow-up appointments with their surgeons. These appointme­nts serve as an opportunity to track progress, address any concerns or questions, and ensure that the recovery.

      Healthy Lifestyle: To maintain the results of liposuction, it is important to follow a healthy diet and engage in regular exercise­. Weight gain can result in fat accumulating in areas that are not treated.

      Following your surgeon’s post-ope­rative instructions is crucial for a smooth recovery and achieving the best possible results. Liposuction is an effective me­thod for body contouring, but its success depends on meticulous adherence to recommended guideline­s.

      Why Choose Cosmique For a Liposuction Treatment?

      When it comes to liposuction in Kochi, choosing Cosmique is a decision rooted in expertise­, safety, and patient satisfaction. Our clinic is home to a team of highly skilled and board-certified plastic surge­ons who possess extensive experience in performing liposuction procedures. We prioritize the safety of our patients by utilizing state-of-the-art technology and advanced techniques to achieve optimal results. What sets us apart at Cosmique is our commitme­nt to personalization – we take the time to listen to your specific goals and tailor the treatment accordingly to meet your unique needs. Additionally, our de­dication extends post-treatme­nt with thorough follow-up appointments and comprehensive­ aftercare measures for a smooth recovery process. With an unwave­ring reputation for excelle­nce and an emphasis on enhancing both confide­nce and body image, Cosmique re­mains a trusted and top-notch choice for liposuction fat removal surgery in Kochi. Get in touch with us.

    • TummyTuck-StomachPlasticSurgery-FatLoss-Treatment

      Tummy tuck/ Abdominoplasty

      Tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a medical procedure for the stomach and hips which includes excess skin removal, muscle repair, fat removal, and body contouring. The purpose of a tummy tuck is to reshape the stomach/abdominal area. Abdominoplasty typically entails the tightening of the abdominal muscles, the excision of extra skin, and sometimes fat removal through liposuction. However, the surgery will be customized to meet each patient’s specific needs and objectives.

      During a tummy tuck, an incision will typically be created low on the abdomen, spanning from one hip to the other. If a large portion of the skin from the stomach region needs to be removed, this may require that the belly button be repositioned or reconstructed altogether. The procedure typically takes two to four hours, depending on the technique and volume of work required.

      It is always advised to opt for extremely experienced, certified, and trusted surgeon to perform your tummy tuck to ensure minimal scarring and other aesthetic complications. When done correctly most clothing, including bathing suits and most types of underwear, can generally cover any potential scarring from stomach tuck surgery because incisions are done low on the belly, frequently close to the pubic area.

      In the days after an abdominoplasty, you may experience mild to severe discomfort, although any pain may frequently be controlled and even relieved with medicine. Every person heals differently, but there are ways you can help in the healing and recovery process after a tummy tuck to help the overall process. The typical recovery for a tummy tuck consists of wearing an abdominal binder for six weeks and avoiding strenuous activity and heavy lifting for six weeks. The abdominal binder will help to support the abdomen and prevent any fluid that could potentially build up, causing major issues after the fact.

      Getting a tummy tuck can have quite a few advantages, including:

      • Reduced back pain
      • Correct Ventral Hernias
      • Improve weak bladder due to childbirth
      • Increase exercise stamina
      • Reduce excess skin
      • Reshape/ restructure abdomen area
      Tummy Tuck Body Sculpting Treatment
    • Rhinoplasty-NoseSurgery-Treatment

      Rhinoplasty is a type of plastic surgery that involves remodelling the nose to change its shape. A person can opt for a rhinoplasty not only for cosmetic purposes but also to improve breathing function.The versatility of rhinoplasty is beneficial to patients, but it does make the surgery highly complex, and thus rhinoplasty should not be performed by anyone but an experienced plastic surgeon.

      If the issues are small, your surgeon may suggest Nonsurgicalrhinoplasty (filler rhinoplasty). This is a type of cosmetic rhinoplasty that uses dermal fillers to temporarily fill dips and irregularities in your nose. It can lift a droopy nasal tip or correct a small bump.

      Surgical Rhinoplasty can be categorized as follows

      • Aesthetic problems -improve structural aesthetic problems(side of the nose in relation to the face, the width of the nose, visible depressions or bumps on the bridge of the nose, the tip of the nose, the shape and width of the nostrils, the symmetry of the nasal passages)
      • Genetic abnormalities -cleft lip and palate
      • Nasal passage obstruction
      • Deviated septum causing breathing difficulties
      • Trauma or injury to the nose
      Rhinoplasty Nose Job Treatment
    • BreastSurgery-Masectomy-Treatment

      Breast Surgery

      Breast surgery is a procedure performed on a female or male’s breast(s). There are different types of breast surgeries. Some are performed for medical reasons such as cancer, others for cosmetic reasons (plastic surgery). Luckily, advances in technology and surgical techniques make it an easier and safe option today

      Medical reasons:

      • Breast cancer surgery (lumpectomy, mastectomy)
      • Preventative surgery (mastectomy)
      • Removal of non-cancer breast lumps
      • Breast reduction

      Cosmetic reasons:

      • Breast reconstruction
      • Breast augmentation
      • Breast reduction

      The recovery time is generally between one week and six weeks and depends on the type of breast surgery you are having.You may be sore for weeks after breast surgery. It is important to discuss recovery time with your doctor, as this will depend on your case.

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    • Hair Transplantation for Beard and moustache

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    • PRP-Hairloss-HairRejuvenation-HairGrowth-Treatment

      PRP Hair Treatment in Kochi

      Platelet-Rich Plasma, or PRP hair treatment, is a medical procedure used in several specialties, such as dermatology and aesthetics. A small amount of the patient’s blood is collected during this treatment, and it is processed to separate the platelets from the other blood components. Growth factors found in platelets can promote cell regeneration, collagen synthesis, and tissue healing. PRP treatment is one of the most recommended hair growth treatments these days. Cosmique is one of the leading skin and hair clinics, offering PRP treatment for hair in Kochi.

      PRP hair growth treatment is frequently used as a treatment in dermatology and aesthetics to rejuvenate the skin. It includes injecting concentrated platelet-rich plasma into the desired location, which can aid in promoting the body’s inherent healing mechanisms and improving the appearance of the skin.

      At Cosmique, considering the medical condition and the needs of each patient, we provide personalized PRP hair treatment. If you are looking for PRP for hair in Kochi, Cosmique would be the ideal option as we provide the finest treatment at a competitive rate. Being one of the most recommended clinics for PRP hair treatment in Kochi, we help our clients in arresting hair fall and promote the rapid growth of healthy new hair strands.

      Visit Cosmique to get superior quality PRP for hair in Kochi.

      How Does PRP Work for Hair?

      Plasma is extracted, processed, and injected into the bald area of your scalp during the three-step PRP therapy procedure. Medical experts believe that the method causes the scalp’s natural hair to grow. The procedure is occasionally used together with other hair loss treatments or medication to get the best possible outcomes. The process of hair loss is slowed down by activating hair follicles, which also rejuvenates damaged tissues.

      Platelet-Rich Plasma – PRP therapy is injected into the scalp through injection using a tiny needle. This procedure uses the growth factors present in the patient’s blood cells to activate natural hair growth mechanisms.

      PRP hair treatment is a cutting-edge treatment for hair loss or thinning that is suitable for both males and females. This cutting-edge non-surgical technique harnesses the body’s inherent potential for healing. The patient’s blood is processed to concentrate platelets rich in growth factors in an injectable therapy. These growth factors activate hair follicles after injection, promoting regeneration and healthy hair growth.


      PRP Treatment and Aftercare

      Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has shown effectiveness in several medical settings. At Cosmique, our skilled experts provide PRP hair treatment to each individual, considering their unique hair concerns and medical conditions. Offering PRP hair treatment in Kochi, we make sure that our clients get the best procedure and follow the right aftercare for the best results. Follow the instructions given by our healthcare provider for faster results.

      PRP injections are a treatment possibility for androgenic alopecia, also referred to as male pattern baldness. These injections, which are given directly into the scalp, start a chain reaction of growth factors that stimulate hair follicles, promoting hair growth and reducing further hair loss. This treatment offers a natural, non-surgical solution to worries about hair thinning. Always remember that the results take time; be patient and consistent with your hair care routine.

      Aftercare Steps Following PRP Hair Treatment:

      • Gentle Handling: Avoid vigorously touching or rubbing the treated areas for the first day. We suggest not wetting your hair for the next 2 days.
      • Avoid Heat and Sun: Don’t get exposed to excessive sun and heat styling tools for a few days.
      • Hydration: Drink plenty of water to support a quick healing process and overall hair health.
      • Avoid Sweating:Stay away from strenuous exercise and physical activities that cause excessive sweating for at least a day.
      • Healthy Diet:Follow a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals to support hair growth and follow the nutritional guidelines instructed by your doctor.

      Remember, individual instructions may vary, so it’s best to ask your PRP doctor for personalized aftercare advice.


      Advantages of PRP for Hair

      PRP Hair Loss Treatment has several significant advantages, including

      Simple and Non-Surgical Nature: By using this simple, non-invasive treatment, people can avoid the complications and hazards of surgery.

      Multiple Injections for Comprehensive Treatment: The course of treatment entails several injections, with each one taking anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes to complete. This all-encompassing strategy guarantees that the targeted areas are effectively covered for improved outcomes.

      Safety and Reliable Results: PRP therapy has a proven track record of safety and consistent results. The fact that the patient’s blood is used reduces the possibility of negative reactions, adding to its reputation as a trustworthy treatment.

      Swift Recovery Period: Following the procedure, individuals experience a remarkably quick recovery period. They can quickly resume their routine tasks as a result of the short stoppage.

      Natural-Looking Results: One of the most appealing aspects of PRP hair loss treatment is its ability to deliver results that appear both beautiful and exceptionally natural. To encourage real hair development and ensure flawless integration with existing hair, the technique takes advantage of the body’s regenerative systems.

      Why Choose Cosmique for PRP Hair Treatment in Kochi?

      Choose Cosmique for your PRP hair treatment in Kochi to experience top-notch expertise and care. Cosmique offers a smooth and efficient treatment process with the assistance of a team of qualified professionals, innovative techniques, and a dedication to outcomes that seem natural. Benefit from their personalized approach, state-of-the-art facilities, and track record of successful PRP hair treatments, helping you achieve your hair restoration goals with confidence.

      Book an appointment with us to get result-assured plasma rich hair treatment in Kochi.

    • Warts-SkinTags-Moles-Electrocauterization-Treatment

      Electrocautery (burning)/ Radiofrequency ablation

      Surgical electrocauterization is a common practise. Warts, skin tags, and moles are examples of aberrant tissue growth that a doctor can remove in a single appointment by heating the tissue with electricity.

      How Electrocauterization therapyworks?

      The procedure of electrocauterization is regarded as minor surgery. If the sting becomes too much for you to bear, you might request a local anaesthetic. A little probe with a weak electric current running through it will be used by your doctor to cut or remove the tissue. Do not be concerned; during surgery, no electric current will enter your body. Tissue only comes into contact with the hot probe tip. The tissue it touches is destroyed by the heat. Typically, sutures are not required.

      The size of the treated area and the amount of tissue removed will determine how long it takes for you to recuperate after treatment. In most cases, healing happens in two weeks. If a significant area of tissue needs to be treated, it might take longer.

      Mole Warts Skintag Lazer Removal
    • Laser-Antiaging-Treatment

      Laser Resurfacing in Kochi


      Laser resurfacing is a cosmetic procedure that utilizes concentrated beams of light to improve skin appearance. It targets wrinkles, scars, age spots, and uneven skin texture. The laser removes damaged skin layer by layer, stimulating collagen production for smoother, rejuvenated skin.

      If you’re seeking laser resurfacing in Kochi, you are at the right place. Cosmique uses advanced skincare solutions to cater to your needs, ensuring effective laser treatments for rejuvenated, flawless skin. Carbon dioxide (CO2) and erbium lasers are the two most common types of laser resurfacing.

      CO2 Laser Resurfacing: This procedure uses ultra-pulsed or continuous light beam technologies to treat wrinkles, scars, warts, birthmarks, rhinophyma, and other skin disorders.

      Erbium Laser Resurfacing: Erbium laser resurfacing uses erbium lasers, suitable for moderate to deep lines and wrinkles, requiring local anesthesia and requires fewer side effects than CO2 lasers, with a shorter recovery time. This procedure is versatile, as it can be used to treat the hands, neck, chest, etc.


      How Does Laser Resurfacing Work?

      Laser resurfacing uses intense pulses of light to precisely remove layers of damaged or aging skin. The targeted laser light heats the skin, vaporizing the top layers and effectively removing skin cells. This process stimulates the body’s natural healing response, prompting the production of new collagen and elastin fibers.

      As the skin gets better, it appears smoother, tighter, and more youthful. Different types of lasers can be utilized, each with a different strength, wavelength, and penetration depth, allowing for customization for individual skin issues and treatment locations. The procedure’s depth and intensity can be altered to address fine lines, wrinkles, scars, pigmentation disorders, and overall skin texture, resulting in a rejuvenated and revitalized skin appearance.


      Benefits of Laser Resurfacing for Skin

      Laser resurfacing offers numerous advantages for skin rejuvenation and improvement.Some of them are:

      • Reduce Fine Lines and Wrinkles: As we age, we develop fine lines and wrinkles, especially around the lips and eyes. Laser skin resurfacing in Kochi specifically addresses these symptoms, softening them to not only provide a more youthful appearance but also to improve your skin’s overall health and smoothness.
      • Address Brown Spots, Redness, or Discoloration: Laser skin resurfacing is effective at treating spots and discoloration caused by sun exposure, aging, or pigmentation disorders. Unwanted freckles can also be removed successfully, resulting in the removal of dark patches and the restoration of a more equal and balanced skin tone.
      • Enhance Skin Tightness and Collagen Production: With laser skin resurfacing, you can combat the natural loss of skin suppleness. This therapy not only tightens the skin but also increases collagen formation in targeted areas. Furthermore, it promotes greater collagen absorption in the untreated areas around it, resulting in immediate firmness and continuous benefits for a more youthful complexion.
      • Combat Scars, Embrace Smoothness: Laser skin resurfacing is a reliable option for improving the appearance of acne scars, traumatic scars, and surgical scars. The procedure serves to reduce the visibility of scars and, in some cases, completely remove them, providing increased confidence and a smoother skin texture.
      • Fade Prominent Blood Vessels: Whether caused by sun exposure, skin irritations, or other factors like hormones or alcoholism, laser resurfacing proves effective in reducing the appearance of prominent blood vessels, often referred to as broken capillaries or spider veins. Clearer skin can often be achieved in just one or two sessions. Cosmique provides the best laser skin resurfacing in Kochi as well as the greatest solutions to your problems.
      • Pore Size Refinement for a Flawless Appearance: Laser resurfacing treatments reduce the appearance of enlarged pores by addressing hereditary and age-related causes. This not only results in smoother, more even skin texture, but it also boosts confidence by making pores less visible. The benefits are usually long-lasting, providing a long-term remedy to uneven skin.


      Highlights of Our Laser Toning Treatment

      Experience a quick and effective laser toning treatment that takes only 10 to 15 minutes. A thorough evaluation of your skin issues will be performed before the procedure to determine the suitability of this laser treatment for your skin.

      Your face or the area to be treated will be properly cleaned. To guarantee your comfort, your doctor will numb the treatment area with a lotion, and in certain situations, a local anesthetic may be used to further reduce any potential discomfort.

      The application of ointments or creams prevents the formation of scabs. Healing duration for treated areas typically ranges from five to 21 days. The length of the healing process is determined by the nature of the condition being treated as well as the type of laser used in the procedure. For your safety, safety glasses will be provided.

      During the procedure, the doctor will skillfully handle the laser over the targeted area, delivering powerful energy bursts. While some discomfort may be felt as the laser works to improve the skin, the vast majority of individuals respond well to the treatment. Our approach to laser toning is centered on your comfort and happiness.

      The redness seen in laser-treated areas normally fades within two to three months, however, it may last for up to a year before completely disappearing. Individuals with blonde or red hair may experience prolonged redness. Those with darker skin tones are more likely to recover with heavier

      pigmentation, often known as hyperpigmentation. In such cases, a bleaching agent may be recommended by your doctor after laser skin resurfacing to lighten the skin color. Your doctor will meet with you to discuss the best course of action for your specific circumstances.


      Why Choose Cosmique for Laser Resurfacing?

      Cosmique stands out for laser resurfacing in Kochi, offering accuracy and expertise in skin rejuvenation. Our modern procedures, which include CO2 and erbium lasers, address a wide range of skin issues. With a focus on individualized care, our laser toning treatments are quick and effective, lasting only 10-15 minutes. 

      Our method is guided by a thorough evaluation of your skin issues, providing the best possible results. Ointments or creams to prevent scab formation are part of our post-treatment care. Trust Cosmique for a transforming journey in which redness diminishes within months and hyperpigmentation risks are reduced, resulting in youthful, glowing skin. Your skin deserves Cosmique’s unrivalled expertise.

    • Botox-BodyOdour-Wrinkles-Treatment

      Face Botox Treatment in Kochi

      The protein known as Botox, which can momentarily paralyze muscles, is derived from botulinum toxin. It may help reduce wrinkles on the skin and treat illnesses including migraines and eyelid spasms when taken in small doses. Botox is a toxin, but when doctors use it carefully, it can have specific benefits. It has applications in both medicine and cosmetics. As a cosmetic technique, Botox injections can help reduce the visibility of wrinkles on the skin and there it can be used for treating anti-aging. The release of chemical impulses that cause muscles to contract is stopped by Botox injections. Usually, these injections are used to relax the muscles in the face that cause wrinkles and frown lines.


      How Does Botox Work for Face?

      Botox is a neurotoxin that disrupts the nervous system, specifically targeting the signals that stimulate muscle contractions. Acetylcholine is the chemical messenger that enables muscle contractions by being released at the junction of nerve endings and muscle cells. When acetylcholine binds to muscle cell receptors, it triggers cell contraction. The injection of Botox prevents the release of acetylcholine, thereby halting muscle cell contraction. By doing so, the toxin helps to loosen up the muscles.


      Applications of Botox Therapy

      Botox has a wide range of cosmetic uses, not just for the face, but for other parts of the body as well. some of the applications of botox are:

      • Helps with a gummy smile: Some people’s top lips may thin out when they smile. A “gummy” smile is produced when the thin lip gives the appearance that the upper lip has vanished. Botox injections precisely in the appropriate location along the upper lip aid in the relaxation of the muscles surrounding your lips, allowing more of your lips to appear when you smile and covering your gums.
      • Smooth out necklines: As people age, their necks may develop long, horizontal creases. These undesirable lines can especially make people with long, gorgeous necks feel self-conscious. Cosmique offers botox facial treatment in Kochi,  which relaxes muscles and will help you subtly lift your jowls, jawline, and face since these muscles are all linked.
      • Reduces the appearance of frown lines and wrinkles: Frown lines are among the most frequently treated locations with Botox. Frown lines are caused by excessive frowning along with skin elasticity loss due to ageing. By paralysing the targeted muscle, Botox prevents wrinkles from forming by preventing it from contracting. Lines and wrinkles soften as the skin in that area gets smoother.
      • Improving the appearance of jowls: As we age, our jaw can develop a square shape that extends below the chin. The sagging skin is called “jowls,” which everyone will get at some point.

      At Cosmique, our team of experienced professionals offers botox facial in Kochi with expertise in completely transforming the situation. Injecting the appropriate amounts along the jawline causes the skin to tighten and lift.



      Benefits of Choosing Professional Botox Treatment

      Our professional Face Botox treatment in Kochi has many advantages that go beyond aesthetic improvement. First and foremost, receiving professional care assures expertise and accuracy in the administration of injections, reducing the possibility of complications and optimising effectiveness. Professionals are trained to adapt procedures to match individual patient requirements, resulting in personalised and natural outcomes. Professional clinics also employ premium Botox ingredients and follow stringent safety guidelines, giving patients trust in the procedure and peace of mind. Ultimately, choosing to get professional Botox treatment results in a rejuvenated appearance as well as safety, efficacy, and customized care for the best outcomes.


      Why Cosmique for Botox Treatment in Kochi?

      With their expertise in facial anatomy, our team of qualified medical professionals can provide you with personalized treatments that can improve your skin type over the long run. Moreover, Cosmique provides a non-surgical, minimally invasive Botox therapy with low side effects for reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Our knowledgeable medical professionals and support staff will work hard to provide the best results possible for you because they have a wealth of experience in the industry. At Cosmique, we provide affordable premium Botox treatments. Contact us if you’re seeking professional skin Botox treatment in Kochi.

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    • Subcision-AcneScarTreatment

      What is Subcision

      To repair acne scars, a small office procedure called subcision is performed. It entails pricking your skin with a tiny needle to separate the acne scar from the underlying tissue. As a result, your skin can increase and the acne scar’s appearance can be lessened. This procedure encourages the release of collagen at the location of the needle insertion in addition to helping to raise a depressed scar.

      It can be used to improve the appearance of:

      • depressed scars
      • wrinkles
      • cellulite

      How Subcisionworks?

      Your dermatologist will clean the area around your scar before beginning the operation. Additionally, a local anaesthetic will be used to numb and freeze your skin in order to make the operation painless for you.

      Then, beneath the scar, your dermatologist will horizontally prick your skin with a needle. Depending on the nature of scar, subcision is performed using a cannula, Taylor liberator, or Nokor needle. To break and loosen the fibres connecting the scar to the tissue below, the needle is gently moved from side to side under the scar. It facilitates the scar’s separation from the underlying tissue. Collagen is released as a result, which helps to lessen the scar’s visible appearance.After the treatment, the wound site will either get manual pressure or cold. By doing this, bleeding and inflammation are reduced.

      Subcision AcneScar Treatment

      In accordance with the size and shape of the scar, this procedure may need to be repeated. Typically, it is done three to six times, with a minimum of four weeks separating each session.

      It usually takes one to two weeks for the pain, bruising, and swelling to go down. To aid with the healing process, your dermatologist can recommend an antibiotic or anti-inflammatory.

      AcneScar Treatment Effective

      In addition to other surgical procedures, subcision is frequently advised to reduce the visibility of scars. These treatments may include:

      • Topical retinoids -These prescription creams, which contain vitamin A, can help smooth out the appearance of scars.
      • Dermabrasion – This technique involves using a wire brush to exfoliate your uppermost layer of skin. It’s most effective on shallow scars.
      • Microneedling
      • Laser treatment
      • Chemical peels
      AcneScarTreatment-Subscision Before After
    • Blackheads-Whiteheads-OpenPores-treatment

      What are Comedones – Blackheads and Whiteheads

      Comedones are the blackheads or whiteheads that appear along with acne. These comedones could include pus, which would make them uncomfortable, painful, and itchy. Typically, comedones appear during puberty.

      The majority of individuals do blackhead and whitehead removal at home, which involves using a tool or your fingers to squeeze the skin to remove debris that is obstructing a pore. If done incorrectly, this can injure the skin as well as cleanse it. To prevent scarring, you should haveyour blackhead and whitehead extractions done only by a specialist.

      Skin that is prone to acne is more likely to develop comedones, albeit their hue will vary depending on surface pigment (melanin), not dirt. The most frequently affected locations are the forehead and chin, while the neck, chest, and back are also frequently impacted. Comedones include acids, bacteria, and other toxic substances that, if not treated, can cause dead skin cells and scarring.Types of Comedones are

      • Open Comedones (Blackheads)
      • Closed Comedones (Whiteheads)

      How Comedonestreatments works?

      Comedones Extraction: To prevent infection, our cosmetologist will clean the afflicted skin region before beginning the procedure. A tiny extractor instrument in the shape of a pen is used for the procedure. When treating open comedones, the instrument is positioned in the centre and the inflammatory material is removed by applying strong downward pressure. To extract the pus from closed comedones, the top is first punctured with a series needle. Unwarranted force might cause irritation and scarring. After the pus has been removed, a steroid injection is administered to limit additional inflammation, and the treated region is bandaged for 24 hours.

      Chemical Peels: Chemical peels exfoliate the skin to make it easier for dead skin cells to shed and prevent pore blockages from being caused by excess oil (comedones). Peels with AHA or BHA are most frequently used.

      Photodynamic Therapy:A topical photosensitizer solution is used in photodynamic therapy to stimulate the production of porphyrins, which are aberrant cells that absorb light. After that, the skin is activated by a medical light source (blue light, red light, or powerful pulsed light, depending on the doctor’s preference). This makes it possible for the light source to focus on the aberrant cells that are causing acne.

      Blackhead Whitehead Before After
    • TattooRemoval-Hyperpigmentation-AcneScar-Treatment

      Laser Toning/Q-switched Nd: YAG Lasers

      Lasers are used by dermatologists for a number of procedures. In order to target a specific skin tissue, lasers use high-intensity, unidirectional light that has a single wavelength and colour (called as chromophore). The chromophore in the skin absorbs the wave energy, which then obliterates it. When using a Q-switch Nd: YAG laser, the undesired melanin pigment inside of skin cells and melanocytes is carefully targeted by the laser beam, breaking up into tiny fragments that are then gently removed from the skin by lymphatics.

      How Q-switched Nd: YAG Lasers works?

      Typically, a laser treatment lasts between 10 and 15 minutes. To determine whether this laser is the most effective skin treatment choice for you, we will first do a thorough assessment of your skin conditions. As soon as the procedure starts, your doctor will use a topical cream to numb the region or may use a local anaesthetic to further ease pain. Additionally, you will receive safety glasses. The physician will then move the laser across the treatment area while delivering strong energy bursts to dissolve the pigment. As the laser will cause some skin damage during this phase, some discomfort is typical. But the majority of individuals respond quite well to this surgery.

      In reality, depending on your treatment indication, you will need many therapy sessions spaced 2–8 weeks apart. The use of the Q-Switched Nd: YAG laser is risk-free. You might see some crusting at the treatment site over the next few days as the skin starts to heal. It’s crucial to let the scab heal naturally without attempting to remove it in order to lower the risk of scarring. You can have swelling and redness in the treated area after the surgery.

      Lasers Can Treat:

      • Melasma
      • Freckles
      • Hyperpigmentation
      • Acne
      • Post- Traumatic Inflammation
      • Enlarged Pores
      • Tattoo Removal
      Tattoo Removal Acne Scar Laser Treatment
    • IntralesionalInjections-Scar-Treatment

      Since its invention in 1961, intralesional injection-the percutaneous direct administration of drugs into skin lesions-has played a significant role in dermatologic therapy. Intralesional injections are simple to administer, beneficial for a variety of conditions, and generally risk-free.

      The goal of intralesional therapy is to treat local tissues with a minimum number of systemic side effects by delivering a medicine directly into a specific skin lesion. Additionally, the skin acts as a reservoir, allowing drugs injected into the dermis to be released gradually over time. This allows for sustained therapy without or with fewer side effects than systemic therapy.

      Cosmetic use of injected substances include:

      • Dermal fillers and augmentation procedures using collagen, hyaluronic acid, medical-grade silicone, autologous fat, and other agents
      • Deoxycholic acid to reduce submental fat
      • Botulinum toxin to reduce wrinkles.
      • Mesotherapy – injections of vitamins, enzymes, hormones, and plant extracts to rejuvenate and tighten skin

      An intralesional injection is a simple office-based and relatively safe procedure with proven benefits in specific skin conditions.

      Intralesional Scar Treatment
    • MNRF-treatment-Wrinkles-OpenPores-Scars

      Microneedling Treatment in Kochi

      Micro-needling treatment often referred to as collagen induction therapy, is a non-surgical procedure. It makes microscopic holes in your skin using a special tool with tiny needles. Your body begins to spontaneously mend these tiny holes. Your skin produces more collagen and elastin as a result of the healing process. These are important aspects in maintaining the firmness, radiance, and youth of your skin.

      Now, there’s another treatment called radiofrequency skin tightening, and it comes in two types. Non-ablative, like Endymed 3DRF and Microneedling RF (MNRF) or RF Microneedling.

      Micro Needling With Radiofrequency is done by using energy waves to heat the deeper layer of your skin, called the dermis. But don’t worry, there’s no surgery required because it’s not invasive. Your skin will become more firm and smooth as a result of this heating process.

      As people get older, they often notice that their skin starts to sag and they get wrinkles. These early ageing symptoms may be successfully treated with RF microneedling. Your skin may appear smoother and less wrinkled as a result.

      Common Applications of MNRF

      All skin types can benefit from microneedling MNRF Skin Treatment , which also has advantages for a number of skin issues. MNRF is used to treat:

      • Large Open Pores : MNRF Micro-needling can help reduce the appearance of large open pores, giving your skin a smoother look.
      • Saggy Skin, Wrinkles, and Fine Lines : It effectively treats sagging skin problems and reduces wrinkles and fine lines, giving your skin a firmer, younger appearance.
      • Scars from Inflammatory Acne : MNRF is particularly effective in healing rolling and box scars that are the result of inflammatory acne.
      • Minor Hypertrophic Scars : It can also aid in reducing the visibility of minor hypertrophic scars caused by conditions including chicken pox, burns, immunisations, and acne.
      • Stretch Marks : MNRF can be used to lessen the appearance of stretch marks and enhance skin texture.
      • Dull Skin : If you have dull skin, MNRF can help revitalise it so that it looks brighter and more vibrant.


      Benefits of the MNRF Treatment on Your Skin

      RF Micro-needling is a flexible procedure that can be used to treat a variety of skin issues. Cosmique offers RF micro needling in Kochi that provides multiple benefits. Here are a few common advantages:

      • Wrinkle Reduction: MNRF can aid in minimizing wrinkles, especially those that occur on the face. It increases collagen synthesis, which tightens and smoothes the skin.
      • Skin Tightening: This procedure is popular among those who want to increase skin firmness, especially around the neck and jawline, because it is efficient at tightening loose or sagging skin.
      • Acne Scarring: MNRF can also be utilized to lessen the visibility of acne scars. Skin micro-injuries caused by the small needles encourage the formation of new, smoother skin and start the body’s natural healing process.
      • Pore Size  Reduction: By inducing collagen and enhancing skin texture, MNRF can help reduce the appearance of enlarged pores.
      • Enhancing Skin Tone and Texture: MNRF can improve the overall tone and texture of your skin, giving it a more even, radiant appearance.
      • Stretch Marks: Microneedling for stretch marks, when they are still very young or in the beginning stages, it is also used to lessen the visibility of stretch marks.
      • Scar Reduction: MNRF can be used to lessen the visibility of a variety of scars, including traumatic and surgical scars.
      • Hair Restoration: Micro-needling treatment is occasionally used to encourage hair growth in cases of hair thinning or alopecia, in addition to skin treatments. It can increase hair density and stimulate hair follicles.


      How Does MNRF Work?

      A numbing cream is applied to the treatment region to make the procedure more comfortable.A special device with tiny needles is then used. Small channels are made in the skin by these tiny needles.To ensure that these minute wounds are dispersed equally throughout the skin, the gadget is pushed slowly over the treatment region.Your skin will begin to produce new collagen and elastin fibers as it recovers from the surgery. Your skin will become firmer, smoother, and more evenly toned as a result. Micro channels develop during this process which increase uptake of cosmeceuticals ensuring they work better giving you great results.

      So, to put it simply, Micro-needling treatment is the process of making tiny openings in your skin using a device with tiny needles. Your skin begins to naturally repair as a result of this process, which gives it a smoother, younger appearance. If you have any questions about micro needling treatment feel free to contact us.

      Why Choose Cosmique for Micro-Needling Treatment in Kochi?

      Due to its dedication to perfection, Cosmique stands out as a top option for MNRF skin treatment in Kochi. Cosmique guarantees safe and efficient procedures with highly qualified personnel and cutting-edge technology. Customer satisfaction is a top priority at the clinic, and therapies are customized for each patient. Cosmique offers individualized care with less recovery time, whether you’re searching for skin rejuvenation, scar reduction, or wrinkle smoothing, making it Kochi’s top choice for people who want to improve the appearance of their skin.

      Visit Cosmique skin clinic for microneedling in Kochi with proven results. 


    • AcneScar-Wrinkles-Hyperpigmentation- IPL-Treatment

      Laser Toning/ IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) therapy

      IPL functions in a manner akin to laser toning therapy. IPL uses a variety of wavelengths of light energy, as opposed to laser therapy, which uses just one. This means that compared to laser therapy, IPL can cure a bigger area of skin faster. IPL therapy is regarded as a non-ablative resurfacing technique since it only affects the dermis, the lowermost layer of skin, without harming the epidermis (epidermis). The outcomes are less striking than with ablative resurfacing, where both the dermis and epidermis are damaged to give a considerably more pronounced overall result.

      How IPL therapy works?

      The region that is being treated will first be cleaned by your skin care specialist. They apply a cold gel to your skin next. A medical professional will then direct various light wavelengths onto the skin using a portable instrument. You will need to wear dark glasses to safeguard your eyes during your treatment. Your skin may sting during the process, but most individuals don’t. The skin cells are broken down and heated by this light. The injured tissue is then spontaneously removed by the body. The energy output of the majority of IPL systems is refined by filters to treat specific areas. This improves penetration without requiring a lot of energy and makes it possible to target particular chromophores (these are skin components that absorb light).

      Since everyone reacts to IPL differently, most patients require several sessions before beginning to see improvements.

      People may choose IPL as a treatment for a range of skin issues. These include:

      • Acne Scars
      • Birthmarks
      • Rosacea – Redness of the Face
      • Hyperpigmentation – Age Spots and Freckles
      • Melisma – Brown or Gray-brown Skin Patches
      • Scars
      • Stretch Marks
      • Sun Damaged skin
      • Wrinkles
      IPL-Treatment Before & After
    • Mesotherapy-SkinRejuvenation-HairRejuvenation-Treatment

      Mesotherapy Treatment in Kochi

      Mesotherapy is a cosmetic procedure that involves injecting small amounts of enzymes, vitamins, and other substances directly into the skin’s mesodermal layer. This technique aims to rejuvenate and revitalize the skin, body fat reduction, enhance hair growth, etc. The procedure is minimally invasive and is believed to enhance skin health and appearance.

      Cosmique, as one of the leading cosmetic clinics provides effective mesotherapy treatment in Kochi as a treatment for various skin, hair, and body problems for you.  Some of the conditions that are treated with mesotherapy are:

      • Dull, loose skin
      • Wound healing and acne scars
      • Wrinkles and lines
      • Sun-damaged, dehydrated skin
      • Hair Loss
      • Hyperpigmentation 
      • Large pores


      How Does Mesotherapy Work for Your Skin?

      The medication or active concentrate used in mesotherapy is selected based on the intended result, such as vitamin C for lightening, hyaluronic acid for hydration, or vitamins for rejuvenation.

      The duration of each session is roughly 20 to 30 minutes, and topical anesthetic cream use is optional before Mesotherapy. Depending on the desired outcome, the technique is applied at a depth of 1-3 mm and varies in the number of injections.

      Mesotherapy acts by injecting tiny amounts of specific medication or active ingredients straight into the skin’s middle layer, the mesoderm. By focusing on particular skin issues like pigmentation, dehydration, or rejuvenation, this targeted approach enables more efficient absorption of vitamins, minerals, or medications. 

      Mesotherapy guarantees that higher concentrations of the intended ingredients reach the targeted area by avoiding the bloodstream and digestive system, which produces faster and more noticeable results. This minimally invasive method improves skin metabolism and collagen production, which supports the general health and vitality of the skin.

      If you are considering mesotherapy treatment in Kochi, Cosmique is the right option you can choose without any doubt for all skin, hair, and body cosmetic treatment requirements.



      Benefits of Mesotherapy for Skin Rejuvenation

      It is normal to feel a little irritated after face mesotherapy, but this usually goes away in a few days. For best effects, it’s crucial to stay out of the sun for at least five days after the procedure. Furthermore, after treatment, you might see little marks on your face for a day or two, but don’t worry—they will eventually go away on their own.

      If you want your skin to heal naturally and effectively, don’t pick at them. Following treatment, following these guidelines will help you maintain the health and appearance of your skin while getting the best results. Some benefits of mesotherapy are:

      • Skin Tightening: Mesotherapy promotes the creation of elastin and collagen, which results in skin that is firmer and more toned. Regular sessions will result in a reduction of loose or sagging skin and a gradual improvement in the elasticity of the skin.
      • Skin Glow: Mesotherapy stimulates cell renewal and improves skin radiance by directly injecting a strong combination of vitamins, antioxidants, and hyaluronic acid into the skin. Your skin will appear more radiant and youthful as it is revitalized.
      • Deep Hydration: A vital ingredient in mesotherapy solutions, hyaluronic acid draws and holds moisture in the skin to deliver a high level of hydration. Experience smoother, plumper skin that has higher moisture levels and looks less wrinkled.
      • Skin Lightening: By applying specialized lightening agents to hyperpigmented areas of the skin, mesotherapy effectively minimizes the appearance of dark spots and uneven skin tone. With ongoing care, attain a more even and radiant complexion.
      • Diminished Pigmentation: Mesotherapy promotes uniform pigment distribution and controls melanin synthesis to alleviate pigmentation issues. A more even and balanced skin tone can be seen as dark spots, freckles, and sun damage lighten.
      • Reduction of Dark Circles and Eye Wrinkles: By lowering puffiness, dark circles, and fine lines, mesotherapy revitalizes the delicate area beneath the eyes. The eyes are given new life and vigour by specially formulated solutions that address the root causes of ageing.
      • Bright & Healthy-Looking Skin: Witness the noticeable improvements in your skin’s brightness, health, and radiance as a result of mesotherapy. Unlock the natural brightness of your skin to get a youthful complexion that is full of energy and self-assurance.


      Why Choose Cosmique for Mesotherapy in Kochi, Kerala?

      At Cosmique, we’re all about making your skin goals a reality. We believe everyone deserves to feel confident in their skin, and that’s why we offer a range of treatments designed to help you look and feel your best. One of the benefits of mesotherapy treatment is that our team of experts takes the time to understand your unique needs and creates personalized plans to address them. Whether you’re dealing with acne or wrinkles, or just want a little extra glow, we’ve got you covered. With Cosmique, you can trust that you’re getting top-notch care and results you’ll love. 

      Connect with us for advanced mesotherapy treatment in Kochi. 


    • prp-facial

      The ‘Vampire’ facial is a cosmetic technique that aims to give patients healthy, youthful, and revitalised skin. This outpatient surgery allows patients to resume their normal activities as soon as possible. The procedure’s results are noticeable the same day and often continue for several months, if not up to a year. For those seeking a Vampire facial in Kochi, this innovative procedure is available in our clinic to enhance skin health and appearance.

      How Does it Work?

      The vampire facial is an innovative facial treatment that uses the power of plasma from your blood to renew and enhance your skin.A small amount of blood is drawn, processed to extract platelet-rich plasma (PRP), and then applied to the face via microneedling. The goal is to promote skin cell regeneration and boost collagen formation for a brighter, more moisturised, and younger complexion.

      • Blood Extraction: A small amount of blood, approximately equivalent to a couple of large spoonfuls, is drawn from your arm, similar to a routine blood donation.
      • Extraction of Plasma: The taken blood is spun up to collect the plasma, which is high in platelets and growth factors necessary for skin cell renewal.
      • Microneedling Procedure: Microneedling is a technique that includes utilising tiny, short needles to create regulated micro-injuries on the skin, triggering the body’s natural wound-healing response. The microneedling procedure may cause minor discomfort, similar to small pinpricks on the face. PRP is normally applied by microneedling channels in around 10 minutes.
      • Plasma Application: The PRP is then applied to the face and microneedled into the skin using an FDA-cleared device. This procedure deceives the body into producing new collagen.

      Cosmique is the leading cosmetic clinic that provides vampire facial treatment in Kochi and all these procedures and safely designed and provided at our clinic. The Vampire Facial promotes the regeneration of skin cells, resulting in improved elasticity, brightness, and hydration. The managed micro-injuries contribute to a more youthful appearance. For best results, the Vampire Facial treatment should be done three times in a row, with four to six weeks between sessions.

      How PRP/Vampire Facial Becomes the Right Choice?

      Cosmique assists in obtaining the benefits of the Vampire facial by employing specialized techniques and expertise in the application of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) along with tailored microneedling or microdermabrasion processes. This will help you get:

      • Increased Collagen Production: The Vampire Facial addresses the body’s collagen production reduction as it ages by boosting collagen production through micro-injuries generated by microneedling. The result is the growth of new, higher-quality collagen, leading to visibly healthier and tighter skin.
      • Wrinkle and Fine Line Reduction: During the face treatment, the stimulation of cellular turnover aids in the recycling of old skin cells and the formation of new ones, including collagen and elastin. This procedure naturally tightens the skin on the face, minimizing the appearance of small lines and wrinkles as well as deeper wrinkles.
      • Firmer, Tighter Skin: The PRP Facial in Kochi restores collagen, which is vital for skin firmness. The therapy aims to offset the sagging that frequently comes with aging by providing a non-invasive solution to thinning skin in regions such as the lips and cheeks.
      • Increased Moisture Retention: A strong skin barrier, made possible by thicker and stronger skin as a result of the treatment, defends against external irritants and improves moisture retention. While paradoxically lowering the appearance of pores, the facial contributes to unclogging pores, allowing prescription moisturizers to be absorbed more effectively.
      • Improved Skin Tone and Texture: The Vampire Facial is effective in addressing issues such as acne scars, surgical scars, stretch marks, and pigmentation. The therapy enhances skin color and appearance by generating new ones.
      • Pain-Free Experience: Starts with gentle washing of facial skin and applying local anesthesia for a pain-free procedure. Although there are a few sensitive parts on the face, the procedure is usually well-tolerated, with a good pain recovery using aspirin and ice.
      • Short Treatment Sessions: Unlike the popular belief that the PRP process is time-consuming, the Vampire Facial is a quick procedure. The entire session normally lasts between 30 and 60 minutes, from blood draw to centrifugation and therapy, making it a suitable alternative for those with busy schedules.
      • Minimal Preparation: The Vampire Facial requires minimal preparation, which includes wearing sunscreen, staying hydrated, and coming with a bare face. The ease with which this rejuvenating treatment can be prepared adds to its allure.
      • Long-Lasting Results: Unlike certain anti-aging procedures that require multiple sessions, the Vampire Facial provides long-term results. Getting the procedure once a year or twice a year is frequently enough to keep you looking young. When compared to traditional microneedling, fewer sessions are required, simplifying the procedure.

      Cosmique’s personalized methods enhance the efficacy of the Vampire Facial, maximizing the potential benefits for individuals and making us the right choice for vampire facial treatment in Kochi.

      Why Choose Cosmique?

      Cosmique Clinic is one of the top picks for PRP facials in Kochi, which is also known as the Vampire Facial Treatment. Cosmique Clinic, known for its dedication to quality and innovative cosmetic processes, combines modern equipment with a team of qualified professionals to produce remarkable outcomes. The clinic’s Vampire Facial in Kochi expertise is unrivalled, with an emphasis on increasing collagen synthesis, treating fine lines and wrinkles, and improving overall skin tone and texture. Cosmique Clinic assures that clients have long-lasting benefits by giving a pain-free and speedy experience. Choose Cosmique for a vampire facial in Kochi, where innovation and personalised care meet for optimal skin renewal.

      Book an appointment for the best vampire facial in Kochi, Kerala.

    • PRP-Hairloss-HairRejuvenation-HairGrowth-Treatment

      PRP/Vampire Facial in Kochi, Kerala

      The ‘Vampire’ facial is a cosmetic technique that aims to give patients healthy, youthful, and revitalised skin. This outpatient surgery allows patients to resume their normal activities as soon as possible. The procedure’s results are noticeable the same day and often continue for several months, if not up to a year. For those seeking a Vampire facial in Kochi, this innovative procedure is available in our clinic to enhance skin health and appearance.

      How Does it Work?

      The vampire facial is an innovative facial treatment that uses the power of plasma from your blood to renew and enhance your skin. A small amount of blood is drawn, processed to extract platelet-rich plasma (PRP), and then applied to the face via microneedling. The goal is to promote skin cell regeneration and boost collagen formation for a brighter, more moisturised, and younger complexion.

      Blood Extraction: A small amount of blood, approximately equivalent to a couple of large spoonfuls, is drawn from your arm, similar to a routine blood donation.

      Extraction of Plasma: The taken blood is spun up to collect the plasma, which is high in platelets and growth factors necessary for skin cell renewal.

      Microneedling Procedure: Microneedling is a technique that includes utilising tiny, short needles to create regulated micro-injuries on the skin, triggering the body’s natural wound-healing response. The microneedling procedure may cause minor discomfort, similar to small pinpricks on the face. PRP is normally applied by microneedling channels in around 10 minutes.

      Plasma Application: The PRP is then applied to the face and microneedled into the skin using an FDA-cleared device. This procedure deceives the body into producing new collagen.

      Cosmique is the leading cosmetic clinic that provides vampire facial treatment in Kochi and all these procedures and safely designed and provided at our clinic. The Vampire Facial promotes the regeneration of skin cells, resulting in improved elasticity, brightness, and hydration. The managed micro-injuries contribute to a more youthful appearance. For best results, the Vampire Facial treatment should be done three times in a row, with four to six weeks between sessions.

      How  PRP/ Vampire Facial Becomes the Right Choice?

      Cosmique assists in obtaining the benefits of the Vampire facial by employing specialized techniques and expertise in the application of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) along with tailored microneedling or microdermabrasion processes. This will help you get:

      Increased Collagen Production: The Vampire Facial addresses the body’s collagen production reduction as it ages by boosting collagen production through micro-injuries generated by microneedling. The result is the growth of new, higher-quality collagen, leading to visibly healthier and tighter skin.

      Wrinkle and fine line reduction: During the face treatment, the stimulation of cellular turnover aids in the recycling of old skin cells and the formation of new ones, including collagen and elastin. This procedure naturally tightens the skin on the face, minimising the appearance of small lines and wrinkles as well as deeper wrinkles.

      Firmer, Tighter Skin: The PRP Facial in Kochi restores collagen, which is vital for skin firmness. The therapy aims to offset the sagging that frequently comes with ageing by providing a non-invasive solution to thinning skin in regions such as the lips and cheeks.

      Increased Moisture Retention: A strong skin barrier, made possible by thicker and stronger skin as a result of the treatment, defends against external irritants and improves moisture retention. While paradoxically lowering the appearance of pores, the facial contributes to unclogging pores, allowing prescription moisturisers to be absorbed more effectively.

      Improved Skin Tone and Texture: The Vampire Facial is effective in addressing issues such as acne scars, surgical scars, stretch marks, and pigmentation. The therapy enhances skin colour and appearance by generating new ones.

      Pain-Free Experience: Starts with gentle washing of facial skin and applying local anaesthesia for a pain-free procedure. Although there are a few sensitive parts in the face, the procedure is usually well-tolerated, with a good pain recovery using aspirin and ice.

      Short Treatment Sessions: Unlike the popular belief that the PRP process is time-consuming, the Vampire Facial is a quick procedure. The entire session normally lasts between 30 and 60 minutes, from blood draw to centrifugation and therapy, making it a suitable alternative for those with busy schedules.

      Minimal Preparation: The Vampire Facial requires minimal preparation, which includes wearing sunscreen, staying hydrated, and coming with a bare face. The ease with which this rejuvenating treatment can be prepared adds to its allure.

      Long-Lasting Results: Unlike certain anti-ageing procedures that require multiple sessions, the Vampire Facial provides long-term results. Getting the procedure once a year or twice a year is frequently enough to keep you looking young. When compared to traditional microneedling, fewer sessions are required, simplifying the procedure.


      Cosmique’s personalized methods enhance the efficacy of the Vampire Facial, maximizing the potential benefits for individuals and making us the right choice for vampire facial treatment in Kochi.

      Why Choose Cosmique?

      Cosmique Clinic is one of the top picks for PRP facials in Kochi, which is also known as the Vampire Facial Treatment. Cosmique Clinic, known for its dedication to quality and innovative cosmetic processes, combines modern equipment with a team of qualified professionals to produce remarkable outcomes. The clinic’s Vampire Facial in Kochi expertise is unrivalled, with an emphasis on increasing collagen synthesis, treating fine lines and wrinkles, and improving overall skin tone and texture. 

      Cosmique Clinic assures that clients have long-lasting benefits by giving a pain-free and speedy experience. Choose Cosmique for a vampire facial in Kochi, where innovation and personalised care meet for optimal skin renewal.Book ana appointment for the best vampire facial in Kochi, Kerala

    • CarbonPeel-Hyperpigmentation-Antiaging-Treatment

      Carbon Peels in Kochi

      Carbon Peel treatment has emerged as a highly advanced skin care procedure in Kochi, India. This non-surgical cosmetic treatment is famous for its effectiveness in restoring and revitalizing the skin, giving you a glowing and youthful appearance, especially for people interested in improving the texture of their skin and looks.


      It comes as no surprise that the Carbon Peel treatment has earned its spot in the hearts of people in Kochi, giving locals and guests an alternative to achieving clear, brighter skin in less time than ever before. Since Cosmique is one of the best places for laser carbon peels in Kochi, its success speaks of the vision and the wherewithal to invest in top-notch cosmeceutical procedures right within Kerala itself.

      For laser carbon peel treatment in Kochi, visit Dentique and get the best service.


      How Does it Help in Improving Your Skin?

      The term Carbon Peel Therapy refers to both “black carbon peel” and the more common term, “Hollywood Peel.” This cutting-edge skincare treatment provides an abundance of advantages when it comes to enhancing the condition and look of your skin. This non-surgical procedure is widely renowned for its efficacy and versatility all throughout the planet. Here’s how Carbon Peel Therapy helps enhance your skin and the conditions for which it is commonly used:

      1. Exfoliation and Deep Cleansing: Carbon peel is the process where our cosmetic surgeon places thin layers of medical-grade activated carbon onto your skin. This carbon goes all the way down into the pores, adhering to oils, dirt, and dead skin cells. When the carbon is removed using a laser, it takes the impurities as well. This treatment offers thorough exfoliation and cleansing for a fresh and revitalized complexion.
      2. Improved Texture: Cosmique the best place for laser Carbon peels in Kochi can give you improved skin texture after the procedure. Carbon Peel provides excellent exfoliation, which leads to the smoothness of skin texture. This face scrub works on imperfections such as roughness, uneven texture, and bumps, giving you a smooth and velvety finish.
      3. Acne and Acne Scars: Carbon peel is also very effective at combating acne and helping to reduce acne scarring. This treatment targets specific types of bacteria involved in acne and reduces oily skin, resulting in less severe outbreaks. In addition, it boosts collagen production, which improves acne scar recovery over time.
      4. Shrinking Pores: Large pores are an issue more often for people who have oily skin. A carbon peel skin treatment can significantly reduce pore size by deep cleaning and tightening the skin to make it appear smaller.
      5. Skin Brightening: Brighteners made out of carbon from the treatment. The aftermath will reveal brighter skin.
      1. Fine Lines and Wrinkles: By promoting collagen fibre formation, which plays an important role in maintaining skin elasticity, Carbon Peel helps to reduce the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles. Over time, this can promote a more youthful and voluptuous look.
      2. Minimal Downtime: Compared to various skincare procedures, Carbon Peel Therapy has the least recovery time required for healing. Patients can usually return to normal activities right away afterwards.
      3. Suitable for Most Skin Types: Carbon Peel skin treatment is usually considered safer and more suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. But always consult a skin care doctor, first of all, to determine if the treatment suits you or not.
      4. Long-Lasting Results: Some visible improvements could start to manifest immediately, but repeated sessions make the outcomes more substantial and long-term. These maintenance sessions can help maintain long-term gains.


      How Does it Work?

      Application of Carbon Paste: A thin layer of medical-grade activated carbon adheres to washed skin. Carbon paste also removes toxins, oils, and dead skin cells from the skin’s surface and pores.

      • Absorption: The charcoal paste is left on the skin to sink in and stick to the dirt or other impurities within the pores.
      • Laser Energy: A highly specialized laser focuses on the carbon particles. Laser energy heats up and vaporizes the carbon, plus impurities for skin exfoliation and unclogging pores.
      • Stimulating Collagen: Additionally, the laser boosts collagen production below the skin. Collagen — important for skin firmness and elasticity; it helps with reducing the signs of fine lines and wrinkles.
      • Skin Rejuvenation: This process encourages exfoliation and collagen induction to leave you with softer, more even-toned skin, enhanced texture, decreased pore size, and a youthful complexion.


      Why Choose Cosmique for a Laser Carbon Peel Treatment in Kochi?

      Cosmique, the foremost centre of excellence in laser carbon peel in Kochi, leverages a team of highly experienced dermatologists, the most advanced technology of its kind, and uncompromising dedication to achieving outstanding results. There are compelling reasons why you should choose Cosmique for your carbon peel treatment in Kochi:

      • Skilled Professionals: Cosmique employs an expert panel in cosmetology. Our specialists possess expertise in Carbon Peel treatments tailored according to your skin type and needs.
      • State-of-the-Art Equipment: We invest in the most advanced laser technology and medical machinery for the safety and efficiency of our procedure. Our advanced laser technology offers quick, painless, and less invasive treatments.
      • Personalized Care: We offer personal care at Cosmique before and after carbon skin laser treatment. Before any treatment, you will have a complimentary consultation to determine your skin’s needs and create a customized treatment plan. Customer comfort and enjoyment are what matters most to us here at Erotic Dreamland!
      • Proven Results: Cosmique offers carbon peel treatments in Kochi with proven results in our portfolio. Numerous delighted patients already know firsthand Carbon Peel’s rejuvenating powers, ranging from smoothing out fine lines to diminishing acne scars, resulting in an overall natural glowing, healthy appearance achieved at Cosmique.
      • Safety First: This is why we strictly follow all safety procedures in order to guarantee maximum safety and sterility of every Carbon Peel treatment. With us on board, you can always depend on us to guide you in the best possible way.
      • Convenient Location: The best feature of Cosmique is its strategic location at the heart of Kochi, thus easily reachable to people visiting or staying there. Selecting Cosmique as your provider for Laser Carbon Peel Treatment places value on quality, safety, and individual care. Our commitment ensures that you get the lustrous skin that you desire, setting us apart as one of the most reliable names in the skincare industry in Kochi. Discover the Cosmique difference, and begin your journey towards clearer, brighter skin.

      For more enquiries about laser carbon treatment in Kochi, contact us.

    • Hydra Facial Smooth Skin Glowing Skin Treatment

      Hydra Facial in Kochi

      Hydra facial, a unique offered at Cosmique, the cosmetic studio, is also known as “hydradermabrasion” due to its combination of exfoliation, similar to microdermabrasion, and serum infusion. This unique process combines acids such as Glycolic, Beta, Lactic, Salicylic, and Hyaluronic acid, making it as efficient as microdermabrasion but without the discomfort and inconvenience associated with the latter. With Cosmique, people can enjoy the benefits of Hydra Facial in Ernakulam without requiring lengthy recovery periods.

      Our Hydra Facial in Kochi at Cosmique, provides a comprehensive and painless approach to skin rejuvenation, including a deep wash, hydration, and exfoliation in a non-surgical clinical facial. This innovative process efficiently treats a variety of skin issues, including hyperpigmentation, aging signs, wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots, crow’s feet, clogged and enlarged pores, and sensitive or acne-prone skin. There is no downtime or discomfort, and the benefits are immediate.

      How Does Hydra Facial Improve Your Skin?

      Hydra facial treatment is outcomes-oriented and delivers numerous benefits for your skin.The Hydra Facial treatment usually consists of:

      Cleaning: The procedure begins with a thorough washing of the skin to eliminate any dirt, makeup, or impurities.

      Exfoliation: This is followed by a mild exfoliation with a specialized HydraFacial tip or solution to remove dead skin cells and reveal a fresh layer of skin.

      Extraction: A special Vortex Extraction nozzle is used in the treatment to gently remove blackheads, whiteheads, and other impurities from the pores without causing any discomfort.

      Hydration: After the exfoliation and extraction, a combination of hydrating serums rich in antioxidants, peptides, and hyaluronic acid is infused into the skin. This nourishes and restores the skin, leaving it moisturized and plump.

      Cosmique, being one of the top skin and hair clinics, offers the best hydrafacial in Kochi. Major benefits of Hydra facial include:

      Improved skin texture and tone: The treatment can improve the overall texture and level out the skin tone by eliminating dead skin cells and boosting cell turnover.

      Reduced aging signs: The serums’ antioxidants and peptides can help combat free radicals and lessen the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

      Radiant and glowing skin: Many people report an improvement in the radiance and general appearance of their skin after the treatment.

      How Does it Work?

      The Hydra facial treatment we provide in Kochi is a 60-minute treatment that deeply cleanses, exfoliates, extracts dirt, and hydrates the skin. It is divided into three sections:

      Step 1: Cleanse and Exfoliate: The Hydra facial gently uncovers a fresh layer of skin during this initial stage with a combination of gentle exfoliation and soothing resurfacing. A serum is applied during the procedure, which effectively eliminates dead skin cells, revealing healthier, more vibrant skin. Furthermore, the Glysal solution, a Glycolic and Salicylic acid blend, gives the advantages of a peel without the typical post-peel scaling, making it a more comfortable experience.

      Step 2: Extraction and Hydration:
      Cosmique offers one of the best Hydra facials in Ernakulam and uses a painless suction technique to collect dirt and impurities from the pores in the second step. This thorough extraction procedure aids in the unclogging and cleaning of pores, leaving the skin feeling rejuvenated and revitalized.

      Step 3: Fuse + Protect:
      Finally, a combination of antioxidants and peptides is applied to the skin’s surface. These powerful components work together to enhance and maximize the skin’s natural radiance while also protecting it from environmental harm. This step also includes the use of customized skin remedies that target specific skin conditions such as hyperpigmentation, fine wrinkles, or acne.

      The Hydra facial process is thorough and personalized, with quick and evident effects. It is suitable for various skin types and concerns, providing a painless and non-invasive alternative to traditional facial treatments. The combination of cleaning, exfoliating, extracting, and moisturizing results in luminous, youthful, and healthier skin, making it a popular choice for people searching for a radiant and refreshing skincare experience.

      Why Choose Cosmique for Hydra Facial in Kochi?

      is the premier choice for Hydra Facials in Kochi due to its exceptional reputation, state-of-the-art facilities, and a team of highly skilled skincare professionals? As a leading skincare clinic in Kochi, Cosmique offers a personalized and comprehensive approach to skincare, ensuring clients get visible results.

      Clients can benefit from the expertise of professional dermatologists and licensed skincare specialists at Cosmique, who have an in-depth knowledge of various skin types and challenges. Their extensive experience enables them to customize each Hydra Facial treatment to target individual skincare needs, such as deep cleansing, hydration, anti-aging, or addressing specific skin concerns.

      The clinic’s commitment to using cutting-edge technology and modern Hydra Facial equipment ensures that clients have a relaxing and effective treatment. The Hydra Facial procedure is meticulously carried out, beginning with a thorough skin analysis to establish the best technique for optimal results.

      The warm and welcoming ambiance of Cosmique creates a pleasant environment in which guests can unwind while receiving their Hydra Facial treatment. The warm and attentive demeanor of the team offers a great experience that puts clients at rest throughout the procedure.

      Cosmique maintains the highest levels of hygiene and adheres to tight guidelines with a focus on client happiness and safety. This commitment to perfection has gained them the trust and loyalty of many satisfied customers in Kochi.

      Contact Cosmique for hydrafacial in Ernakulam..

    • laser-toning

      Laser Toning Treatment in Kochi

      Laser toning is a cosmetic dermatological procedure using laser technology to improve skin tone and texture. This non-invasive treatment targets pigmentation issues like melasma, sun spots, and uneven skin tones. The process involves utilizing targeted laser energy that penetrates the skin’s deeper layers. This action boosts collagen production and disintegrates unwanted pigmentation while preserving the skin’s outer layer. This method is highly effective in achieving a more uniform skin tone and in lessening the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles. Its appeal lies in its efficacy and the minimal downtime needed post-treatment, making it a preferred option for individuals seeking to improve their skin’s appearance. At Cosmique, we specialize in offering laser toning treatment in Kochi specially tailored to your unique skincare needs.


      How Laser Toning Works?

      Cosmique is dedicated to providing unparalleled laser toning treatment in Kochi, utilizing advanced technology for skin rejuvenation and pigmentation correction. Laser toning operates using low-energy, Q-switched lasers that emit light in specific wavelengths. When the light penetrates the skin, it specifically targets melanin, the pigment in the skin, and disintegrates it. This action aids in diminishing hyperpigmentation issues like age spots, sun spots, and melasma, resulting in a more balanced and even skin complexion.

      The laser energy also gently heats the deeper layers of the skin, stimulating collagen production. This process boosts collagen production, rejuvenating the skin to look younger and smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles. Compared to more intense laser treatments, laser toning is less aggressive and preserves the skin’s top layer, which shortens the recovery period. Patients often experience little to no downtime, making it a convenient option for those seeking skin improvements without significant interruption to their daily activities.

      The procedure typically involves multiple sessions, and the results are gradual but cumulative, meaning the skin’s appearance continues to improve with each session. It’s well-suited for various skin types and is particularly effective for those dealing with uneven pigmentation and seeking a non-invasive method to rejuvenate their skin.


      Highlights of Our Laser Toning Treatments in Kochi

      Cosmique’s laser toning treatments in Kochi, utilizing cutting-edge Q-switched laser technology, represent a pinnacle in skin rejuvenation and care. These treatments are tailored for a diverse clientele, addressing various skin concerns like hyperpigmentation, melasma, and sunspots while also catering to overall skin brightening and toning.

      • Advanced Laser Technology: Employing the latest in laser technology, these treatments ensure precise targeting of skin issues, leading to effective and visible results. The Q-switched lasers are renowned for their ability to break down melanin deposits, leading to a reduction in dark spots and an even skin tone.
      • Versatile and Inclusive: Designed to be effective on multiple skin types, these treatments address specific skin concerns, making them inclusive and versatile. Whether it’s combating signs of aging, reducing pigmentation, or simply enhancing the skin’s natural glow, these treatments offer something for everyone.
      • Minimal Downtime: A standout feature of Cosmique’s laser toning is the minimal recovery time involved. Clients can resume their daily activities immediately post-treatment, making it a convenient option for those with busy lifestyles.

      Cosmique’s laser toning treatments offer a fusion of technology, personalization, and expert care, culminating in an exceptional skincare experience for their clients. Our commitment to excellence and client well-being sets us apart, offering a comprehensive approach to enhancing skin health, making us the leading skin clinic of laser toning in Kochi.


      Why Choose Cosmique for Laser Toning?

      Opting for Cosmique for laser toning treatments offers several compelling advantages. First and foremost, Cosmique’s use of advanced Q-switched laser technology stands out for its precision and effectiveness in treating various skin issues. The treatments are highly personalized and adapted to meet the unique needs and skin types of each client, ensuring tailored care and optimal results.

      Furthermore, Cosmique’s treatments are known for their minimal downtime, a significant benefit for clients with busy schedules. The clinic prides itself on its team of skilled professionals who ensure safe, comfortable, and effective treatments. Additionally, Cosmique’s commitment to holistic skincare extends beyond the treatment room, offering clients comprehensive care that includes post-treatment support. At Cosmique, we pride ourselves on our dedication to achieving exceptional results and prioritizing the well-being of our clients, positioning us as the premier destination for laser toning in Kochi.Contact us!

    • Chemical peels-AcneScars -Wrinkles-Pores- Pigmentation

      Chemical Peeling in Kochi

      Chemical pe­els are a widely sought-afte­r cosmetic procedure in Kochi that helps to revitalize the skin’s appearance. During these tre­atments, a specialized che­mical solution is applied to the skin, which works to gently e­xfoliate the outer laye­r. This process reveals smoothe­r and more youthful-looking skin underneath. In Kochi, you can find e­xpert dermatologists and aesthe­tic professionals who offer a variety of che­mical peel options tailored to address specific skin concerns like acne­ scars, fine lines, and uneve­n pigmentation. To ensure optimal results based on your skin type and desire­d outcome, it is crucial to consult with a qualified practitioner.

      How Do Chemical Peels Work?

      Chemical pe­els are cosmetic proce­dures that aim to improve the te­xture and appearance of your skin. During a che­mical peel, a specially formulate­d solution is applied to the surface of the skin, causing controlled exfoliation of the oute­r layers. This process encourages the shedding of dead and damage­d cells, leading to cellular re­newal and increased collage­n production. The depth and strength of the peel determine how much exfoliation occurs and the subse­quent results. Superficial pe­els target mild imperfe­ctions, while deepe­r peels address more significant concerns. As your skin heals after a pe­el, you will notice smoother skin with re­duced wrinkles, sun damage, and ble­mishes. It’s essential to follow proper aftercare­ instructions for optimal and safe outcomes.

      Types of Chemical Peels Depending on Strength

      If you are planning for a chemical peeling in Ernakulam, at Cosmique, we have different types of chemical peels available. They are categorized based on the strength and depth of their penetration into the skin. These categories, namely superficial, medium, and deep, determine how much exfoliation occurs and which specific skin concerns the target.

      1) Superficial Peels: These peels utilize gentle acids, such as alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta hydroxy acids (BHAs), to specifically target the outer layer of the skin. They are highly effective in enhancing skin texture, reducing fine lines, and addressing minor discolorations. Superficial peels require minimal downtime and are commonly known as “lunchtime peels” because they can be quickly applied with a brief recovery period.

      2) Medium Peels:Medium-depth chemical peels employ potent acids such as glycolic acid, trichloroacetic acid (TCA), or a combination of acids to penetrate the skin more deeply. This targeted approach effectively addresses moderate sun damage, wrinkles, and acne scars. It’s worth noting that these peels may require a brief recovery period as the top layer of skin naturally flakes and sheds, revealing refreshed and rejuvenated skin beneath.

      3) Deep Peels:Deep peels, which use high concentrations of TCA or phenol, are effective for treating severe sun damage, deep wrinkles, and significant pigmentation issues. These peels produce dramatic results but require longer recovery periods and meticulous post-procedure care. Given their intensity, deep peels are typically administered under sedation by experienced medical professionals.

      To select the appropriate chemical peel, several factors should be considered, including personal skin concerns, available downtime, and desired results. It is crucial to consult a qualified dermatologist or skincare professional to ensure the choice of peel strength and depth aligns with individual needs for both effective outcomes and safety.

      Types of Chemical Peels Available at Our Clinic

      At Cosmique Clinic in Kochi, we offer a Chemical Peel treatment that involves applying a specialized chemical solution to the skin. This solution gently exfoliates the outer layer of skin, revealing fresher and healthier-looking skin underneath. Our Chemical Peel treatments come in different strengths and can be customized to target specific concerns such as uneven pigmentation, fine lines, and acne scars. By promoting cell turnover and collagen production, our Chemical Peel helps improve overall skin texture and tone. The depth of the peel will determine both the results achieved and the recovery time required. However, Cosmique is the right place you can choose for chemical peeling in Ernakulam. Our team personalizes each treatment according to individual skincare needs, ensuring noticeable improvements in your skin’s appearance. Here is an overview of the available chemical peels at Cosmique Clinic:

      Chemical Peel Uses
      Glycolic acid This peel contains glycolic acid, which is an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) that exfoliates the outer layer of the skin. It effectively improves skin texture, reduces fine lines, and enhances radiance.
      Salicylic Acid This peel, which contains salicylic acid (a type of beta hydroxy acid or BHA), is specifically designed for individuals with acne-prone and oily skin. It effectively goes deep into the pores, exfoliating dead skin cells and regulating excessive oil production.
      Hyaluronic Acid Hyaluronic acid is highly regarded for its ability to hydrate the skin. This peel effectively restores moisture, enhances skin elasticity, and promotes a plump and youthful appearance.
      Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) Peel: Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a potent antioxidant that can effectively brighten the skin, minimize the visibility of sun damage, and promote collagen production.
      Ferulic Acid Ferulic acid is an antioxidant that is commonly used in combination with other acids, such as Vitamin C and E. Together, these ingredients help to address signs of aging and sun damage.
      Citric Acid Citric acid, an AHA (alpha hydroxy acid), is beneficial for exfoliating the skin and enhancing its texture. Moreover, it possesses brightening properties that aid in minimizing the visibility of dark spots.
      Lactic Acid Lactic acid, a gentler form of alpha hydroxy acid (AHA), is excellent for gently exfoliating the skin and improving its tone. Additionally, it helps boost hydration and minimize the visibility of fine lines.


      Why Choose Cosmique for Chemical Peeling in Kochi?

      Experience expert care and transformative results with Cosmique’s chemical peeling in Kochi. Our clinic offers a range of customized chemical peels, including glycolic, salicylic, and hyaluronic acid peels, among others. Our skilled professionals use advanced techniques to address various skin concerns such as acne, signs of aging, and pigmentation irregularities. Your safety is our top priority, and we provide personalized treatments for optimal outcomes. Whether you want to rejuvenate, clarify, or enhance your skin, Cosmique is the top choice for chemical peeling in Ernakulam. Contact us to begin your journey towards radiant and revitalized skin by choosing us as your trusted partner.

    • Self-doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.

      With the modern lifestyle comes stress and pollution, which have aggravated hair loss, premature greying and other hair-related problems immensely. This issue seems to affect both men and women, who are faced with hair issues that start very early. While there are many claims for different oil formulations and Hair spa treatments that claim to reduce hair fall, the results are often short-lived if not negligible. With advancements in modern technology, remedies are to combat hair fall, receding hairlines and other related problems.

      At Cosmique, we have been helping our clients restore their natural hairline with minimally invasive procedures and if needed surgical solutions. In a very short time, we have become one of the most trusted Hair specialists in Kochi because of the positive results seen in our clients. In fact transplantation techniques can help people not only recover lost hair volume but also moustaches, beards and eyebrows.

      Everything in life is about consistency. When you consistently apply efforts, you are guaranteed to achieve positive results. The same is the case with hair treatments, to see visible results you would need multiple sittings at the prescribed time intervals.

    • Laser Hair Removal

      Laser Hair Removal

      Unwanted hair can be reduced via laser hair removal. Legs, armpits, the upper lip, the chin, and the bikini line are among the common areas treated. With the exception of the eyelid or vicinity, it is possible to cure undesirable hair in almost any place. Tattooed skin also shouldn’t be treated.

      The pigment (melanin) in the hair absorbs the laser light that is emitted during laser hair removal. The tube-shaped hair follicles that create hair are harmed when light energy is converted to heat. Future hair development is inhibited or delayed by this injury.

      Even while laser hair removal efficiently stops hair growth for extended periods of time, it typically doesn’t remove hair permanently. For initial hair removal, several laser treatments are required, and follow-up treatments may be necessary. All skin types can benefit from laser hair removal, although those with light skin and dark hair benefit the most.

    • Treatment to reduce Hair loss

      • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy
      • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy with Growth factors
      • Mesotherapy
    • What we can or cannot achieve, is rarely a measure of our true capability.

      It is more likely a result of our beliefs about who we are.

      Although it is normal for anyone, to want to slow down the process of ageing as much as we can, it is an irrefutable fact that ageing is a normal and inevitable part of life. But as long as you know what to expect-as well as how to address some of the changes you will face-you can age confidently and gracefully.

      Our body shape begins to change around age 30. These changes happen because of a steady decline in muscle mass and an increase in body fat.These physiological changes affect the shape of the body. Eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, and managing stress can help delay the age-related changes that affect how your body looks and feels – It’s your body image.

      Body image is the mental picture, you have of your own body along with how you see yourself when you look in a mirror.It pertains to how a person sees their own body and how attractive they feel themselves to be. Self-esteem on the other hand is how you value and respect yourself as a person. Self-esteem influences how you take care of yourself, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Body image and self-esteem influence each other directly. When you have a healthy body image, you have higher self-esteem, which in simple terms is – you feel comfortable about your body and know how to care for it.

      However, sometimes we have facial and body defects due to birth disorders, trauma, burns, and disease. These situations require expert external interventions because no matter how hard we try

      Surgical Procedure

    • Skin Tightening Treatment

      • Face and Jowl Lift wit surgery
      • Using threads
    • Fat Reduction

      • Liposuction
      • Abdominoplasty
    • Cosmetic Breast Surgery

      • Breast Reduction/ Augmentation
      • Breast Reconstruction after Cancer
    • Treatment for Balding

      • Hair Transplantation on scalp
      • Hair Transplantation for Beard and moustache
    • Nose Shaping

    • Inhale confidence, exhale doubt.

      As your skin submits to the inevitable stress of daily life and sun damage, we help you protect and rediscover the youthful radiance that you rightfully deserve. We have a devoted team of skincare specialists, dermatologists and plastic surgeons, equipped with the latest technology in cosmetic medicine, to take care of all your skin problems. From anti-ageing treatments to scar removals, we provide a complete range of skincare treatments that are sure to leave you in awe. A safe and sanitized treatment environment and affordable prices are just other perks you can enjoy here at Cosmique, one of the best skin care clinics in Kochi.

      Everything in life is about consistency. When you consistently apply efforts, you are guaranteed to achieve positive results. The same is the case with skin treatments, to see visible results you would need multiple sittings at the prescribed time intervals.

    • Face and Jowl Lift surgery

      The face exhibits a variety of ageing symptoms, such as:

      • Relaxed, sagging skin on the face.
      • Crease and fold Lines between the nose and the corners of the mouth
      • A decrease in facial fat.
      • Sagging Skin in your cheeks or jaw.
      • Extra fat and sagging skin in your neck that gives you a “double chin.”

      A face-lift is a surgical cosmetic operation to give the face a youthful appearance. A flap of skin is pulled back from each side of the face during a face-lift. Excess skin is removed, and tissues beneath the skin are modified. The face is given a more youthful shape as a result. A face-lift frequently includes a neck lift. It thins out the neck’s fat and loose skin.

      Please note that damage from sun exposure, such as fine lines and wrinkles, cannot be reversed by a face-lift. Other cosmetic procedures can improve the appearance or texture of the skin.


      Acne Scar Treatment in Kochi

      Acne scars are the result of both mild and severe cases of stubborn acne. Collagen production abnormalities during skin healing cause the development of acne scars, and their type and severity may vary for every person. The most effective treatment differs for each individual, and there is no universal solution that fits everyone. Depending on your scar type, skin type, and severity of scarring, one or a combination of acne scar treatments may enhance your skin’s appearance. Cosmique offers the best acne scar treatment in Kochi, helping you cure your skin issues without any side effects. 

      Formation of Acne Scar & its Treatment

      After experiencing mild acne, one may develop pimple marks or dark spots, while nodular and cystic acne can potentially lead to scarring. The shape, size, and depth of acne scars can vary. Only a skilled dermatologist can accurately determine the type and severity of acne scars and recommend appropriate treatment. Individuals with recurrent and moderate to severe acne face the risk of permanent collagen damage, negatively affecting skin texture and resulting in scarring. The likelihood of recurring acne and scars increases if the root cause of acne is not properly addressed if pimples are picked or squeezed, or if there is a family history of acne or hormonal fluctuations.

      Treatments We Offer at Cosmique

      Cosmique is one of the leading skin clinics in Kochi, offering acne scar treatment using advanced technologies. At Cosmique, we offer a range of acne scar treatment:

      • Micro-needling Radiofrequency (MNRF): MNRF is a revolutionary scar correction treatment that enhances collagen and elastin production, resulting in superior scar revision outcomes. The deeper layers of scars are heated by our medical team using radiofrequency energy. Moreover, the procedure tightens the skin and greatly enhances skin texture.
      • Chemical Peels: By applying a chemical peel, you can stimulate the body to produce more collagen and elastin, resulting in smoother and firmer skin. When the skin has a higher amount of collagen and elastin, depressed acne scars tend to appear less prominent. Peels are available in a variety of strengths, from gentle to powerful. Your dermatologist will carefully assess which strength is most suitable for your specific requirements. Multiple treatment sessions are often necessary for mild and medium peels. If you have a mild peel, you may require 3 to 5 treatments, each spaced 2 to 4 weeks apart.
      • Intralesional Injections: Intralesional corticosteroid injection offers a solution for a wide range of conditions. In dermatology, these injections serve as a treatment for various conditions such as keloids, cystic acne, loss of pigmentation, certain types of psoriasis, and more. Intralesional steroid injections utilise corticosteroids to reduce inflammation, suppress collagen formation, clear breakouts, and prevent scar formation.
      • Laser Toning: The procedure for treating acne scars involves using a laser to penetrate the dermis. Once the laser energy reaches a sufficient depth, it breaks down purplish and brownish pigments caused by pimples. The laser focuses on your skin’s building blocks during depressed acne scar treatment. Your acne scars can be regenerated and repaired by your skin’s building blocks over time. The laser treatment can help to smooth out the edges of the scars.
      • Comedone (blackhead and whitehead) Extraction: The process of comedone extraction involves using a comedone extractor tool to physically clear blockages from follicles. Only non-inflamed acne, like whiteheads and blackheads, can be treated with this acne treatment. Comedone Extraction helps treat acne by removing excess debris from blackheads and whiteheads, relieving blocked pores. 
      • Subcision: A hypodermic needle is inserted beneath the scar by a dermatologist during this procedure. The purpose of the needle is to loosen and separate the fibres connecting the scar to the underlying tissue. This process not only lifts depressed scars but also stimulates collagen release at the needle insertion site. Diminishing the scar’s appearance can be achieved through both lifting the scar and releasing collagen.
      • Hyaluronic acid fillers: Depressed acne scars can be made less noticeable by injecting dermal fillers such as hyaluronic acid, which helps to plump them up. Atrophic or depressed acne scars can be effectively treated with dermal fillers, which help restore volume and improve skin contour. They offer a noticeable enhancement in the appearance of scars right away.


      How Acne Scar Treatments Help Your Skin?

      • Clear skin: You can achieve a clearer complexion by improving skin texture, resulting in minimised scars and a refined appearance.
      • Suitable for all skin types: Works effectively on all skin types, including face, back, body, eyes, and neck.
      • Boosts self-confidence: Acne scars can seriously affect how you feel about yourself. You can feel more confident and comfortable by receiving pimple scar treatment.
      • Improved skin tone: Acne scar treatments can effectively reduce the appearance of discoloration and hyperpigmentation caused by acne scars. The outcome is a complexion that looks more balanced and with an even tone.
      • Visible results: Many acne scar treatments offer long-lasting improvements in the appearance of acne scars, however, results may vary.


      Why Choose Cosmique for Acne Scar Treatment in Kochi?

      We are aware that every person has unique skin that sets them apart from others. We have developed customized acne scar treatment procedures that are intended to meet your unique requirements and provide the greatest outcomes. When it comes to acne scar treatment in Kochi at Cosmique, our team of doctors has a successful track record in acne scar treatment, attributed to their extensive experience. Our commitment to your health extends beyond the course of treatment. Our custom-made, cost-effective treatments provide minimal to no downtime along with long-lasting results. For the best acne scar treatment in Kochi, visit Cosmique.

    • Treatments to Improve Dull Skin

      Dull Skin Treatment in Kochi

      A common problem, dull skin is defined by a variety of imperfections that give it a lifeless and flat appearance. Normally, as the outer, dead layers of our skin are shed, it seems fresh and renewed. Extreme weather conditions, poor habits, and underlying medical disorders, however, can cause the skin to age prematurely and lose its natural beauty. As a result, it can start to lose its natural shine and glow and appear dull.

      Taking the initiative to prevent dull skin can help restore the skin’s natural vitality and promote long-term skin health. These actions involve setting up a good skincare routine, leading a balanced lifestyle, and seeking out specialist dull skin treatments. Cosmique is one of the leading skin and hair clinics in Kochi providing treatment for dull skin


      Treatments We Offer

      At Cosmique Skin And Hair Clinic, you can find a range of sought-after and innovative dermatology procedures designed specifically for dull skin. We provide a range of advanced dull skin treatments, like chemical peels and laser toning, with the expertise and skills of our experienced dermatologists. Your skin will be efficiently rejuvenated during these procedures, returning it to its former splendor. Visit Cosmique in Kochi to experience the transformational effects of our advanced procedures and recover a radiant complexion.

      Chemical Peels: Chemical peels are an effective treatment for uneven and dull skin tones or textures as they consist of the use of mild acids and other exfoliating agents for the skin. Patients with acne scars or hyperpigmentation benefit the most from it.

      Laser Toning: Laser skin rejuvenation is a procedure that uses lasers to enhance facial skin texture and appearance, targeting sun damage, acne, and signs of aging. It enhances skin tone and reduces fine wrinkles by promoting the production of collagen. It is one of the recommended treatments for dull skin who have acne scars, an uneven skin tone, or who want to treat fine wrinkles.

      Hydra Facial: Hydra Facial is one of the best treatments for dull skin, it is a non-invasive facial treatment that combines exfoliation, extraction, hydration, and antioxidant infusion. It cleanses and revitalizes the skin using a special vortex technology, leaving it hydrated, radiant, and nourished. All skin types can benefit from this procedure if they want to improve skin tone, lessen fine lines and wrinkles, deal with clogged pores, and attain a more youthful-looking complexion.

      Carbon Peel: A carbon-based solution is applied to the skin as part of the carbon peel skin treatment, which is then followed by laser therapy. It helps in exfoliating the skin, minimizing pores, reducing oiliness, and improving the general texture of the skin. People with oily skin, big pores, acne, and dull skin can benefit from this treatment.

      Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy (Vampire Facial): In PRP therapy, the patient’s own blood’s platelets are drawn out and then reinjected into the skin. It increases general skin regeneration, increases skin suppleness, reduces fine wrinkles, and stimulates collagen formation. For people wishing to address aging symptoms, enhance skin texture, and regain a young appearance, this procedure is advantageous.

      Mesotherapy: Mesotherapy is a technique in which a special mixture of vitamins, minerals, and other healthy ingredients is injected beneath the skin. It is the best treatment for dull skin and promotes collagen synthesis, enhances moisture, and nourishes the skin. Mesotherapy is appropriate for people who want their skin to look younger, be more hydrated, and have better overall skin health.

      Mesotherapy: Mesotherapy is a technique in which a special mixture of vitamins, minerals, and other healthy ingredients is injected beneath the skin. It is the best treatment for dull skin and promotes collagen synthesis, enhances moisture, and nourishes the skin. Mesotherapy is appropriate for people who want their skin to look younger, be more hydrated, and have better overall skin health.

      Micro Needling: Also known as collagen induction therapy, uses tiny needles to create controlled micro-injuries in the skin. This procedure increases the production of collagen and elastin, improving skin texture and reducing scars, wrinkles, and fine lines. People with acne scars, fine lines, wrinkles, and uneven skin texture can benefit from micro-needling


      Highlights of Our Dull Skin Treatment

      First, our team of experts carefully examines your skin to identify the underlying causes of dullness. It helps us to create an individualized therapy strategy that successfully addresses your unique needs. Second, we use a comprehensive strategy by integrating innovative aesthetic procedures with medical competence. Through this combination, we can offer a comprehensive solution that targets the root causes of dull skin and goes beyond cosmetic enhancements. Additionally, our clinic makes use of cutting-edge tools and medically proven therapies to guarantee safe and effective processes suitable for all skin types. You can count on Cosmique to provide outstanding treatment and excellent results for reviving your skin’s luminosity and regaining its natural glow.Contact us right away for more details or to make an appointment!


      Why Choose Cosmique?

      A premier skin and hair care facility in Kochi, Cosmique – The Cosmetic Studio, provides a full spectrum of skin dullness treatment in Kochi. We offer complete care for facial structure analysis with a team of qualified medical professionals that includes dermatologists, plastic surgeons, and hair implant specialists. Our facility provides surgical, minimally invasive, and non-surgical treatments for the hair, skin, and body, all under the care of skilled cosmetic therapists. We place a high value on scientifically proven methods and treatment modalities that are safe, efficient, and appropriate for all skin and hair types. Get in touch with Cosmique to get the best treatment for dull skin.

    • Anti-Ageing Treatment in Kochi

      Ageing is an inevitable part of life, but modern aesthetic procedures offer the possibility of reversing age to a desirable level. Medically tested techniques and procedures for anti-ageing aim to diminish signs of ageing and promote more youthful, radiant skin. The natural process of ageing cannot be stopped, but modern medical techniques can significantly manage or reduce the acceleration of ageing.

      Wrinkles are the most common sign of ageing skin. As you age, your skin loses elasticity and tightness, resulting in sagging or loosened skin. As time passes, the skin thins and becomes more fragile, with a decrease in fatty tissue underneath. Reduced oil production by skin cells results in dryness. Other common signs of ageing skin include age spots and skin tags. As you age, the skin’s ability to repair itself decreases. Cosmique offers anti-ageing treatment in Kochi and is very effective in dealing with wrinkles.

      Anti-ageing Treatments We offer

      If you’re anxious about your skin ageing, we have the best solutions. Regardless of age, the quality and appearance of your skin can be improved by adopting a healthy lifestyle and following a proper anti-ageing treatment in Kochi. Our non-invasive anti-ageing treatments in Kochi are designed to combat signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles, while also addressing skin tone, and volume loss, ultimately giving you a refreshed and more youthful look. Given below are some of the best anti-ageing treatments offered by Cosmique, Kochi. 

      Chemical Peels: In a chemical peel, an acid is used by your doctor to remove the top layer of skin. It brightens your skin tone while removing age spots and wrinkles. After the peel, your skin will heal and may appear red for a week or two. Depending on the type of peel, you may need multiple treatments to achieve your desired results, 

      Laser Toning: Laser toning is a skin care treatment that uses gentle laser lights to heat the deepest dermis layer, resulting in effective skin regeneration. This method stimulates collagen production without harming the skin’s epidermis. It reduces sagging skin and improves melanin production, making skin even. The treatment induces a tingling sensation without any discomfort.

      Carbon Peel: A superficial treatment that you should try is a carbon laser peel if you have acne, enlarged pores, oily skin, or uneven skin tone. This quick, painless procedure that improves skin tone is called a laser carbon peel. People with acne, large or clogged pores, and oily skin should use it. This therapy may be helpful if you’re experiencing the consequences of sun damage.

      Mesotherapy: Mesotherapy treatment can help get rid of cellulitis and excess weight, and improve your body shape and face or neck appearance without surgery. Mesotherapy is a method that involves injecting vitamins, enzymes, hormones, and plant extracts to make your skin look younger and firmer and get rid of extra fat.

      Micro-needling Radiofrequency (MNRF): An innovative cosmetic procedure called Microneedling Radiofrequency (MNRF) tightens the skin, minimises the appearance of big pores, and reduces acne scars. The process tightens pores and produces tighter skin by stimulating the creation of collagen with radiofrequency radiation. Stretch marks, wrinkles, and acne scars are just a few of the issues that the MNRF therapy successfully addresses by generating controlled skin damage that promotes healthy skin renewal.

      Hyaluronic Acid Fillers: Reversing common signs of ageing is possible with hyaluronic acid fillers, a non-invasive treatment. Hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers can plump the skin to reduce facial wrinkles. Hyaluronic acid strengthens the skin’s natural barriers, protecting against sun damage, pollution, and smoking.

      Botox: Crow’s feet and frown lines are lessened by Botox injections, commonly called Botulinum Toxin Therapy. This therapy prevents the muscles in these regions from becoming tense. The results of this cosmetic procedure usually show up a week after the procedure, but there is typically no recovery period. The effects last for roughly three to four months on average.

      Laser Resurfacing: Laser resurfacing employs a laser to enhance the skin’s look or address facial imperfections. Fine lines on the face can be reduced with laser resurfacing. It can also improve your complexion and treat loss of skin tone. Excessive or sagging skin cannot be eliminated through laser resurfacing.

      Why Choose Cosmique for Anti-Aging Treatments in Kochi?

      If you are worried about signs of ageing and need effective treatment to bring back youthfulness, then Cosmique is the best place for anti-ageing treatment in Kochi. At Cosmique, our dermatologists customise professional solutions for your specific concerns, treating signs of ageing and providing natural-looking results. Our expert doctor conducts personalised consultations, thoroughly examining your skin type and discussing any concerns or medical history. To address the specific needs of different skin types and concerns, specialised and personalised anti-wrinkle treatment in Kochi is necessary. At Cosmique, we support you before and after the procedure, offering guidance and assistance. We ensure that you feel at ease by providing a comfortable process.

      Visit our clinic for anti-ageing treatments in Kochi, Kerala. 


    • Treatment to Reduce Under Eye Dark Circles

      • Chemical Peels
      • Botulinum injections
      • Hyaluronic acid Fillers
      • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy
    • Skin Tan Removal in Kochi

      Get rid of tanned skin and gain glowing beautiful skin! Now you can achieve this with the skin tan treatment in Kochi. Achieve healthy appealing skin by choosing us. Our specialists will examine your skin tan and propose the right treatment.

      Dreaming of vibrant tan-free skin?

      Get rid of tanned skin and gain glowing beautiful skin! Now you can achieve this with the skin tan treatment in Kochi. Achieve healthy appealing skin by choosing us. Our specialists will examine your skin tan and propose the right treatment.

      Visit us for effective skin tan removal in Kochi.

      Cosmique’s Approach to Remove Skin Tanning

      Tanning is one of the most common beauty concerns. People exposed to sunlight, such as those spending more time outdoors or employed in fieldwork, are more prone to skin tan. It is the method adopted by the body to protect the skin from the Ultraviolet rays of the sun. We provide advanced techniques for skin tan removal in Kochi using approved treatment methods.
      Our specialists study the skin type prior to suggesting the sun tan removal technique. The process would be implemented through a proven methodology. This systematic approach has been the reason for the efficacy of our skin tan removal treatment. Each individual’s skin condition differs depending on the degree of sunlight exposure, the type of job they are employed in (skin damage would be more when working in a dusty environment outdoors), etc.

      Body areas that are commonly affected by skin tan are:

      • Face
      • Hands
      • Arms
      • Legs
      • Feet
      • Neck, Nape

      We have a team of professionals for rendering the best skin tan removal procedures. They would examine the skin-tanned area and suggest the way forward. For a specialised skin tan treatment in Kochi, arrive at Cosmique today.

      Skin Tan Treatments We Offer

      We have been the leading experts in skin tan removal in Kochi. The specialised treatments we offer include:

      Chemical Peel: Chemical peel is one of the most effective and most popular skin tan treatments in Kochi. Compounds from natural resources are used for chemical peel. In this skin tan removal method, the epidermis is removed through peeling. Better collagen production and skin revitalization are also the effects of the chemical peel process.

        Laser Toning: Laser Toning is another method used for skin tan removal in Kochi. We have been using Q Switched NDYAG Laser and other laser toning methods. Harmless laser rays are used for laser toning techniques. The laser particles are absorbed by the skin, leading to the fragmentation of skin tan. Consequently, skin tan removal occurs. For more info on this skin tan removal in Kochi, do connect with us.

        Platelet-rich Plasma Therapy (Vampire Facial): Microneedling with Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) or Vampire Facial is becoming highly popular for skin tan removal in Kochi. In this method, platelets separated from the blood taken from the individual are applied on the tanned area like the face.

        Mesotherapy: A method similar to acupuncture, Mesotherapy is done on the middle layer of the skin. Amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and some enzymes are injected into the middle skin layer, thus reducing sun tan on the area. Cosmique has been providing this skin tan treatment in Kochi effectively for years.


        Highlights of Our Treatment

        Factors that underscore why we are the number one in treatment for tan removal are:

        • Expert team: Proficient team with a matchless record of accomplishment.
        • Successful track record: We gained prominence through exceptional treatment results.
        • Affordable treatment packages: Forget exorbitant charges when you choose us for skin tan treatment in Kochi.
        • Positive word-of-the-mouth publicity: We ride on the positive wave created by our happy clients.

        To discuss more, dial Cosmique now.

        Why Choose Cosmique?

        Experience and expertise are the two key elements you must consider while checking skin tan removal in Kochi. Lack of knowledge and experience can lead to ineffective sun tan removal, as well as unforeseen side effects. Our approach has been quite different from others. We study the condition, skin type, and other relevant factors meticulously before commencing the treatment.

        The methodical approach, gaining optimal results, made us the number one in skin tan treatment in Kochi. We assure you:

        • Highly effective skin tan removal that delivers you clean skin without the evidence of tanning.
        • Regain the glow and beauty of the skin with our experts undertaking the treatment technique using globally proven equipment and methodologies.
        • Proper assessment of skin conditions and the person’s skin characteristics to ensure the best treatment.
        • Dedicated to rendering the best cosmetic and skin tan treatment in Kochi, we guarantee you optimal results.

        Looking to improve your skin’s health and glow?

        Cosmique is the right place for the best treatment for tan removal approach. Call us for more details.


      • Skin Tag Removal in Kochi

        Skin tags, moles, and warts are growths that appear on the skin. These non-cancerous growths can be removed through advanced medical procedures. Cosmique offers a safe and painless approach with our advanced laser treatment for birthmarks, warts & skin tags treatment. And pursue globally accepted processes using state-of-the-art medical solutions.

        Visit Cosmique for skin tag removal in Kochi.


        Causes of Skin Tags, Moles and Warts

        Skin tags, moles, and warts are elevated growths on the skin. The exact reason for the skin tag is not yet identified. Research indicates that more than one factor may lead to the occurrence of skin tags. The common causes of skin tags are:

        •  Hormonal imbalance in the body
        • Hereditary reasons
        •  Friction
        • Prediabetes as well as Diabetes Mellitus
        • Pregnancy

        Warts, on the other hand, are extra cell growth due to viruses. The virus activity causes the outer layer of skin to become thick and hard. Warts can occur in any section of the skin. Warts are thick and hard spots that need to be removed, else they can spread to other parts of the body. Warts commonly appear on the back of the hand.

        Moles are black or brown pigmented cells on the skin. Although moles are harmless, they can affect a person’s appearance. At times, moles can become painful or itchy. Bleeding may also occur. Consulting a specialized dermatologist is necessary in such a condition.  Cosmique offers mole removal in Kochi for you. You can contact us for more details at any time.


         Why it is Necessary to Seek Professional Help?

        Trying self-treatment of skin tags, moles, and warts must be avoided at any cost. Never undergo treatment offered by unqualified persons acting as specialists. It can lead to unforeseen and unwanted consequences. For a detailed insight in this regard, you may talk to us. We have well-experienced hands for skin tag treatment in Kochi at Cosmique.

        There have been incidents wherein individuals tried unproven treatments, which caused severe after-effects, such as permanent marks and other issues on the skin. Seeking professional help would help you get rid of the unwanted marks, skin tags, warts, and moles from the body effectively. Further, getting professional treatment for skin tag removal will cause no side effects to your skin. At Cosmique, we offer the best skin tag treatment in Kochi to remove your tags without any complications. 

        Treatment for Removal of Birth Marks/ Mole/ Skin Tag

        Multiple treatment processes are available for birthmarks, moles, warts, and skin tags, with the invention of equipment and medical facilities integrated with cutting-edge technology. The treatment is painless and effective. The marks are removed without even the minutest indication.

        We suggest you avoid attempting the removal of these marks on your own or with the help of unqualified personnel. Specialists with knowledge and expertise in the field should be consulted for the treatment. You can consult the experts at Cosmique for the removal of skin tags, moles, or warts and undergo specific treatments for each procedure.You can consult the experts at Cosmique for the removal of skin tags, moles, or warts and undergo specific treatments for each procedure.

        Cosmique has been ahead of the curve in integrating advanced technical solutions for skin tags, moles, and warts. We have a specialized team for undertaking the treatments. Let us know if you are looking to get rid of unwanted skin tags, moles, and warts. And regain a healthy, glowing, and mark-free skin.


        What We Offer

        Cosmique is one of the best places for skin tag treatment in Kochi. We have a panel of skin care specialists to serve you. They have years of experience and expertise in skin, face, body, and hair cosmetic treatment procedures. The advanced skin treatment processes we offer are:

        • Q-Switched NDYAG Laser: This innovative treatment procedure may take 1 to 4 sessions to complete. The treatment program would be decided based on the condition of the moles, skin tags, or warts.
        • Electrocautery/ Radiofrequency Ablation: The RF or Electrocautery Ablation process would be completed in 1 to 2 hours. Depending on the size of the mole or the area to be covered.


        Why Choose Cosmique?

        100% satisfaction is what we guarantee our clients with our advanced treatments. Every detail of the skin tag mole treatment is discussed with you during the initial appointment. The treatment procedure is decided after examining the severity of the issue and other relevant aspects.

        Our specialities include:

        • Exclusive attention to each person to ensure the best result
        • All the advanced skin treatment processes available
        • Skin tag treatment is suggested based on the condition, as well as, the objective of the client
        • Exceptional efficacy
        • Expert professionals
        • Reliability

        We gained credibility through proven skin treatment processes. Word-of-mouth publicity has been the key factor for our growth as the top cosmetic studio in the region.

        Talk to us if you are looking for a skin tag, mole, birthmark, wart removal or any other specific skin, body, face, or hair treatments. We are at your service always.

        For the safest procedure for skin tag removal in Kochi, Dial Cosmique now.


      • Stretch Mark Removal in Kochi

        Your Stretch marks, or striae, are a type of scar that appears as long, narrow streaks or lines on the skin. They develop when the skin stretches or shrinks quickly and can differ in colour, size, and texture. Stretch marks are typically caused by changes in the body’s shape and size, often as a result of obesity, growth spurts, or pregnancy. Depending on the reason these marks appear in specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen, breasts, thighs, buttocks, and upper arms. While stretch marks are quite normal, various stretch mark treatment options are available to minimize their appearance. Cosmique is a leading , providing stretch mark removal in Kochi for those who are worried about how to remove it. 

        Cosmique’s Treamtent for Stretch Mark Removal

        Stretch mark treatment can be effectively managed with proper treatment. If you are looking for the best stretch mark removal treatment in Kochi, Cosmique would be the right choice. At Cosmique, we offer the best treatment for stretch marks to reduce their appearance on the skin.

        Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy

        The plasma is a component of blood and when injected into the skin, can stimulate skin healing. For this procedure, a small blood sample is extracted, and processed to isolate the platelet-rich plasma (PRP). PRP contains proteins that support cell growth, and when reinjected into the skin, it aids in healing damaged tissues and stimulates the body to grow new, healthy cells. When combined with microneedling,PRP therapy can provide better results. In some cases, it may require two to three repeat injections to achieve a significant reduction in both the depth and size of stretch marks.

        Micro-needling Radiofrequency (MNRF)

        Microneedling RF is a non-invasive skin enhancement procedure designed to improve skin complexion. It involves the use of tiny microscopic needles that penetrate the skin to a specific depth. This device creates small punctures in the skin and delivers radiofrequency (RF) energy, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. Typically, treatment sessions for Microneedling RF are spaced around 5 to 6 weeks apart. To achieve smoother skin with reduced scars, it often requires 4 to 5 sessions. Depending on the severity of stretch marks, additional sessions may be necessary. Microneedling RF is particularly effective for stretch marks removal, promoting rejuvenation and skin tightening.

        ND YAG Laser Toning

        The Nd: Y AG laser is a non-ablative laser that uses long wavelengths to penetrate the deeper layers of your skin, stimulating collagen and elastin production. This process promotes skin remodelling and tightening. As scars often result from a lack of collagen, the ND YAG laser effectively reduces their appearance by targeting the top layer of skin. The regeneration of skin tissues results in a smoother texture and improved overall appearance.


        Highlights of Our Treatment

        At Cosmique, we offer a variety of treatme­nts to help minimize the appearance of stretch marks and improve the overall texture and look of your skin. Our e­xperts carefully evaluate your skin and re­view your medical history to develop a personalized treatment plan. Using state-of-the-art technology and advanced techniques, our skilled skincare­ professionals deliver safe­ and effective tre­atments. We understand that stre­tch marks can have an impact on your confidence and self-esteem, which is why we provide a range of treatments designed to reduce their visibility. Cosmique is the all-in-one  place for your every skin concern including stretch marks treatment. Our goal is to help you achieve the smooth, e­venly toned skin you’ve always wanted.

        Why Choose Cosmique for a Stretch Marks Removal Treatment in Kochi?

        We are the leading skin clinic in Kochi, offering comprehensive treatments for various skin issues, including stretch marks. We have a team of experienced dermatologists and plastic surgeons to provide the most advanced treatment for strech marks removal. Before beginning the treatment, we carefully study your skin type and texture. This initial assessment is crucial in devising a customized treatment plan tailored to your skin’s requirements. At Cosmique, we are committed to providing only the best and therefore only use scientific approaches and approved treatment techniques that are safe and effective for your skin.Get in touch with us for the best treatment for stretch marks in Kochi.

      • Laser Hair Removal in Kochi

        Hypertrichosis, often dubbed “werewolf syndrome,” stands out as an uncommon health condition, notable for unusual and excessive hair growth in areas normally devoid of such growth. This disorder manifests in two primary forms. When congenital, it appears from birth, often rooted in genetic factors. This form of hypertrichosis might occur as an isolated condition or as part of a broader syndrome that includes additional symptoms.

        Cosmique provides laser hair removal in Kochi with sophisticated approaches to effectively manage this condition. Hypertrichosis can caused by various reasons, including medications, metabolic disorders, or malignancies. The hair growth associated with hypertrichosis is usually extensive and covers large areas of the body, significantly differing from typical patterns of hirsutism, which is hormone-induced hair growth.

        What Causes Hypertrichosis?

        The reason for hypertrichosis depends on if it is congenital or acquired. Inherited congenital hypertrichosis is often linked to genetic mutations affecting hair growth regulation. These genetic alterations can lead to unusually extensive hair growth from birth. Conversely, acquired hypertrichosis develops due to a variety of reasons unrelated to heredity. It can appear as a secondary symptom in some cancer cases. Each type of hypertrichosis has distinct causes, affecting hair growth patterns in different ways. The cause is sometimes undetermined. This condition affects hair follicles across the body, leading to excessive hair growth that is not typical for the individual’s age, sex, or race.

        Cosmetic Procedures We Offer

        Our clinic offers a number of cosmetic procedures to make you look confident. Cosmique provides a specialised IPL treatment, for treating this overgrown hair condition. By providing quality laser hair removal in Kochi, we make sure that our clients get relief from unwanted hair growth. The light energy from IPL damages the follicles and acts as an effective hair-removing remedy by inhibiting the ability to grow hair from the roots. IPL therapy is a flexible intervention that employs broad-spectrum radiation for treating various types of conditions such as age marks, sun damage, freckles etc.

        Even though multiple sessions are often needed for successful hair growth reduction, it is generally a safe and efficacious procedure and prior consultation is important. before selecting IPL or any other treatment method.At our clinic, we prioritize the safety and success of our cosmetic solutions. Our commitment to helping clients achieve their desired aesthetic results makes us the best choice for laser hair removal in Kochi.

        Why choose Cosmique for Hypertrichosis Treatment in Kochi?

        Choosing Cosmique for hypertrichosis treatment  offers numerous advantages. As a leading institution in skin and hair care, our clinic facilitates the best services with modern equipment and cutting-edge treatments. We have a team of skilled professionals who provide treatments that are efficient, safe, and appropriate to the person’s condition. They also have a compassionate way of ensuring that clients feel comfortable and well-oriented in all stages of the treatment process.

        We have a holistic approach towards every condition that we treat by ensuring that we address every single aspect of the condition. We address the underlying problems and provide long-term solutions rather than short-term remedies. We guide and emotionally support clients as they work through the physical and psychological processes involved in their recovery process.

        Our clinic in Kochi is conveniently located and offers flexible appointment scheduling, making it easy for clients to access our services. By choosing Cosmique, you’re opting for a blend of expert care, advanced treatments, and a supportive environment, all essential for effective hypertrichosis management. Visit Cosmique Skin Clinic for the best hypertrichosis treatment and laser hair removal in Kochi.

      • tatto-removal-in-kochi

        Laser Tattoo Removal in Kochi

        Tattoo removal has witnessed a surge in popularity and demand in recent years, driven by a variety of factors. One significant reason is the increasing job requirements that prioritize a clean and professional appearance. Many individuals opt for tattoo removal to enhance their employability and conform to corporate norms. Additionally, personal preferences evolve, and tattoos that were once cherished may no longer align with one’s identity or values. Dissatisfaction with existing tattoos is another common motive for removal, prompting individuals to seek procedures that allow them to start anew. As a result, the demand for tattoo removal services has soared.


        Cosmique is a renowned tattoo removal clinic in Kochi, offering you the opportunity to transform your appearance and regain a sense of personal satisfaction. Our team of experts offer the best laser tattoo removal services helping our clients remove unwanted tattoos from the skin. At Cosmique, we make sure that we offer the high-standard and professional techniques to remove the tattoos from your skin. 


        How Does Laser Tattoo   Removal Work?


        Unwanted tattoos can be removed using the very popular and effective laser tattoo removal technique. Laser technology is used to break down the tattoo ink into smaller particles, and the body’s natural processes gradually eliminate them.

        The process of laser tattoo removal begins with a consultation where the tattoo is assessed to determine the best approach. During the procedure, you will be provided with protective eyewear to shield your eyes from the laser light. The laser emits short pulses of high-intensity light that specifically target the tattoo ink.

        The tattoo pigment absorbs the laser light, causing it to heat up and shatter into tiny fragments. Different wavelengths of laser light are used depending on the colors of the tattoo ink. Darker colors, such as black or blue, respond well to certain laser wavelengths, while lighter colors, like green or yellow, may require different wavelengths for effective removal.

        Once the tattoo ink is broken down, the body’s immune system steps in to remove the ink particles. Over time, the lymphatic system flushes out the fragmented ink, resulting in a gradual fading of the tattoo. Multiple laser sessions are usually required for complete removal, with the number of sessions depending on various factors such as the size, color, and depth of the tattoo.

        It’s worth noting that laser tattoo removal can cause some discomfort during the procedure, often described as feeling like the snapping of a rubber band against the skin. The intensity of the sensation can vary depending on individual pain tolerance and the location of the tattoo. To minimize discomfort, a topical anesthetic may be applied before the treatment.

        After each laser session, the treated area may experience temporary side effects such as redness, swelling, blistering, or scabbing. It’s crucial to follow proper aftercare instructions provided by the tattoo removal specialist to promote healing and reduce the risk of complications.

        Laser tattoo removal employs laser technology to target and break down tattoo ink, allowing the body to naturally eliminate the fragmented particles over time. This method of laser tattoo removal in Kochi provided by Cosmique offers a safe and efficient way to remove unwanted tattoos, although multiple sessions may be required for optimal results.

        Our  Laser Tattoo Removal Services

        We provide Q-switched Nd: YAG laser treatment for tattoo removal, which offers a highly effective and widely used method in the field. This treatment has several advantages. Firstly, it can target a wide range of tattoo ink colors, including stubborn ones like green and blue, making it suitable for diverse tattoos. The Q-switched Nd: YAG laser produces short, high-energy pulses that break down the tattoo ink without damaging the surrounding skin. It is also a safe and non-invasive procedure, with minimal discomfort and downtime. Patients typically see significant fading after each treatment, although multiple sessions may be required for complete removal. Overall, Q-switched Nd: YAG laser treatment provides an efficient and reliable solution for individuals seeking tattoo removal.

        Highlights of Our Treatment

        There are several reasons to choose Cosmique as a tattoo removal clinic in Kochi:

        1. Expertise and Experience: Cosmique boasts a team of skilled professionals who are experienced in laser tattoo removal. They have in-depth knowledge of the latest techniques and advancements in the field, ensuring safe and effective treatments.
        2. Advanced Technology: Cosmique utilizes state-of-the-art Q-switched Nd: YAG laser technology for tattoo removal. This advanced equipment allows for precise targeting of tattoo ink while minimizing the risk of skin damage, resulting in optimal outcomes.
        3. Customized Treatment Plans: Each individual’s tattoo is unique, and Cosmique understands the importance of personalized treatment plans. They will assess your tattoo and create a customized approach tailored to your specific needs, ensuring the best possible results.
        4. Safety and Comfort: Patient safety and comfort are paramount at Cosmique. The laser tattoo removal procedure is performed by trained professionals who prioritize your well-being throughout the treatment. They provide appropriate measures to minimize discomfort and potential side effects.
        5. Comprehensive Aftercare: Cosmique emphasizes the importance of proper aftercare to optimize healing and enhance the tattoo removal process. They provide detailed instructions and guidance to ensure that you achieve the best possible outcome and minimize any potential complications.
        6. Positive Reputation: Cosmique has earned a positive reputation for its tattoo removal services. We have a track record of satisfied clients who have achieved successful results through our treatments. You can trust our professionalism and knowledge without any doubt.
        7. Additional Services: In addition to tattoo removal, Cosmique may offer a range of other aesthetic services. This allows you to explore further treatments and enhancements, if desired, all under one roof.

        When choosing Cosmique for tattoo removal in Kochi, you can expect a combination of expertise, advanced technology, personalized care, and a commitment to your safety and satisfaction.


        Why Choose Cosmique?

        At Cosmique, tattoo removal treatment offers a range of highlights that make us a top choice for individuals seeking effective and safe results. With our advanced Q-switched Nd: YAG laser technology, we can target a wide array of tattoo ink colors with precision and efficiency. Our experienced professionals create personalized treatment plans for your permanent tattoo removal in Kochi taking into account individual factors to ensure optimal outcomes. We prioritize patient safety and comfort, implementing measures to minimize discomfort during the procedure. Additionally, our comprehensive aftercare guidance promotes healing and enhances the tattoo removal process. With our laser procedure for tattoo removal in Kochi at Cosmique, we are committed to delivering exceptional results and providing a positive experience for every client.


        Lip Filler Treatment in Kochi

        Enhance your lips with lip filler treatment, a cosmetic procedure that provides a fuller, plumper appearance. The most commonly used technique for lip augmentation nowadays involves using an injectable dermal filler. The main ingredient in typical fillers is similar to hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a substance naturally present in the body and can increase the volume of your lips. These dermal fillers are commonly known as hyaluronic acid fillers.

        Visit Cosmique for lip filler treatment in Kochi.

        Your lips are among the first things that catch people’s attention. They’re among the earliest to display signs of aging. It’s common to feel self-conscious when your lips lose their plumpness. However, you can restore your youthful appearance without undergoing surgery by opting for hyaluronic acid lip injections. There is no denying that lip augmentation has become an immensely popular trend in the past few years. Our lip filler treatment in Kochi is fast and relatively pain-free, instantly enhancing your confidence and self-esteem. A person must be in good health and have no serious ailments to be considered a suitable candidate for lip augmentation in Kochi. It’s ultimately your decision, so it’s crucial to have a thorough discussion with the surgeon.


        Our Lip Augmentation Treatment in Kochi

        At Cosmique, we offer Hyaluronic acid fillers for lip augmentation. Hyaluronic acid is a substance found naturally in your body that can attract water, keeping your skin moisturized and firm. Cosmetic surgeons strategically use HA injections, just like other dermal fillers, to address volume loss concerns. Hyaluronic acid lip injections can provide benefits such as fuller lips, reduced wrinkles, correction of lip shape, and a boost in confidence.

        The effects of hyaluronic acid lip filler can be reversed whenever desired. The simple solution is to inject hyaluronidase, breaking down hyaluronic acid. It breaks down chemical bonds in the tissue, giving the skin a plumped appearance.


        How Does it Work?

        In the lip filler procedure, the hyaluronic acid is injected into the dermis layer. When injected, it combines with water molecules to provide structural support for your lips. Acting as a cushion, this natural substance fills and rounds out any lip irregularities. Plump lips are the outcome of this. It binds with water molecules that are already present. Instead of adding water molecules, it simply retains the ones already present. Hence, if you discontinue hyaluronic acid, there won’t be any water molecules for it to hold onto.

        Fine lines and wrinkles are more likely to appear on the thin and delicate skin around the lips. The use of hyaluronic acid helps minimize lines, wrinkles, and signs of aging. Hyaluronic acid can enhance the appearance of your lips, making them fuller and more youthful by filling in wrinkles and plumping the skin. If you’re looking to correct a drooping upper lip or achieve a more defined lower lip, this is the perfect solution. It increases collagen production, reducing fine lines and wrinkles while lifting sagging skin around the eyes and mouth. Regular use of hyaluronic acid fillers can enhance elasticity, resulting in a youthful and vibrant appearance.

        The results of HA injections are not permanent, so regular maintenance treatments are necessary every 6 months. However, the specific timeline can differ, as some individuals may require maintenance treatments before 6 months. In some situations, treatment can go on for as long as 12 months.


        Why Choose Cosmique?

        If you are considering getting lip injections in Kochi, then it is important to visit a reliable and reputable clinic. At Cosmique, our experienced cosmetic surgeons will suggest the best lip augmentation procedure for you, so that you can achieve your desired look. We use the latest treatment techniques to offer you the best lip augmentation in Kochi. Visit our clinic and consult with our specialists to determine the most suitable lip filler treatment in Kochi. Gain the confidence to flaunt your beautiful smile.

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      Avail our expert doctor consultation on a range of surgical and non surgical treatment procedures.